Elune might be older and more powerful than we ever imagined

Your a troll that is not taking what is seen in the game. You see that she grabs Ysera and turn her into a constellation. This is magic, not science. This called fiction for a reason. This has nothing to do with light traveling to earth.

Elune created the constellation of Ysera. The titans created constructs. They are not equal.

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Lol so you are assuming those are stars because they are in the sky, but I point out that light takes 4 years to reach us from our closest neighbor and even 8 min from the sun means they are much closer then a star would be makes me a troll?

No evidence supports that those are actual full blown stars and actual evidence says otherwise. Though despite that you are insisting that she created stars. Of course she didn’t save the NE or stop the legion or heal Azeroth or stop the old gods, but she instantly created a dozen stars.

Also do you know what sphere of influence the Titans come from? That would be the order sphere. Do you know what power is associated with it? That would be arcane. Do you know what special power Elune gave her priests? An arcane attack.

You are hallucinating, my friend. We are all hallucinating.

TL;DW real world science doesn’t have much of a place in the Warcraft high-fantasy universe.

Except then why do you believe the assumption should be that they are full blown stars instead of near Azeroth magical creations?

Saying that real world <> Azeroth, but then also using real world (that constellations = stars) to make assumptions? We know energy has travel time in Azeroth, we see it will many spells. We know even god like beings take thousands of years to travel through the great dark. So then why are we suddenly deciding the light does not have a travel time in Azeroth? Because it doesn’t fit this specific narrative about Elune?

So which of these two unverifiable scenarios makes the most sense (as much sense as anything can make)? That Elune instantly created a dozen new stars, placed them billions of miles from Azeroth and each other, and caused the light from them to instantly reach us OR that Elune created a dozen magical objects in the sky near Azeroth in the shape of a dragon constellation?

If she can instantly create stars like that and bend space and time, then she is literally all powerful and it calls into question every bad thing that has ever happened in the universe. Not to mention it calls into question the times she had been upset about events but was either unwilling or unable to stop them.

This is why it’s all speculative and theory. Elune is an enigma, and a majority of lore sources pertaining to her figure/character in the lore is encased in NPC/lore-figure bias/assumption/speculation.

The argument is paradoxical because it’s all speculative and interpretation is subjective.

Your theory is definitely interesting, but not everyone will agree with it, just as you are entitled not to agree with others believing it is a constellation. Ultimately, nobody knows yet.

Neither or both. They could even be one-in-the-same, because it’s glaringly apparent the science of the Warcraft universe does necessarily parallel our own.

I’m personally of the opinion that stars in the Warcraft Universe are not luminous balls of gas, comprised mostly of hydrogen and helium and held together by their own gravity and subject to the same sciences of our own reality. That seems uncharacteristically boring for the Warcraft universe, at least to me.

If that’s all a star is, then where does it fit in the Twisting Nether - which is described as the Astral Plane of the universe (Astral meaning; 1) of, connected with, or resembling the stars, 2) relating to a supposed nonphysical realm of existence to which various psychic and paranormal phenomena are ascribed)?

Constellations and how they function in the World of Warcraft universe has seemed very heavily rooted in magic as well, and the vastness of “space”, known as the Great Dark Beyond, is the home of the most ethereal of landscapes known as the Twisting Nether, as mentioned above. It is the cosmic force that connects all planetary bodies in the known universe, including worlds from which world souls and inevitably Titans are born.

We also know that the Twisting Nether is, to quote Blizzard Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel, “the line between the ebb of Light and flow of Void […]”

We know there are living constellations as well, called the Constellar, who could have been in existence at the beginning of all things alongside the Titans [World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 20]

It’s definitely interesting that many theorize Elune is connected with the Light, the Void, and the Arcane, and she is somehow able to “create” fragments/stars/constellations out in the Twisting Nether, which is a landscape and realm, born of and comprised of all these things.

This is a rough thing to attribute to anything in World of Warcraft too, because a single elf (Illidan) was able to drag an entire broken planet to Azeroth. :sweat_smile:

Anything and everything can be a little bit over-powered in this universe, and it’s challenging to compare powerful figures when they’re all really interchangeable.

But when someone uses it as a reason for why they feel Elune is some all powerful god then that is the entire reason we are having this discussion.

There are planetariums in some of the titan buildings showing the sun, stars, and other worlds.

Which serve the titans to monitor originated worlds.

Also if these starts are not stars as we know them, then that actually supports my belief that they are near Azeroth objects and not full blow stars that prove her power as Ironnic seems the saying.

Like I said a huge part of the burning legion lore is that the Great Dark is so large that it would take Sargarus tens of thousands of years to travel to Azeroth, so he was sending his army through portals for them to open one big enough for him or his Avatar.

Edit: Kind of funny we are having this conversation after I just got back in from watching Starlink pass by. In the next decade we will be seeing thousands upon thousand of low orbit objects like that in the sky.

That was actually using a legion portal key that was created by the titans.

Oh so that’s why Malfurion had to bust in and save her butt?

If Elune was so powerful then how come Tyrande wasn’t one punching Nathanos? Why was Nathanos holding out against Tyrande with just a bow and arrows and an overcoat?

The Void Lords are the failed attempts at creating something equal in power to the Titans. They are closer in power to demi Titans than to Titans. They certainly aren’t cosmic forces.

I’m guessing you forgot to mention Nathanos was being powered by 2 Valkyr I see?

Clearly, Nathanos is doing the Light’s work, and Tyrande isn’t.

The living stars argument here is funny to me. If the planet can be more than just a planet, like basically a titan egg, then a star can be more than a star. Azzeroth just looks like a planet to anyone not privy to the truth of it.

The entire story of Warcraft is basically that if you are from Azzeroth then you are in the dark about the truth of reality. This planet is something being fought over since the dawn of time it would appear. Its kept in a metaphorical bubble for sure and possibly some type of literal one as well. The planet has been hidden from baddies finding it before. The location lied about and rumored about. Something about this place is totally different from its appearance and its more than just the titan soul in the core. Its like Azzeroth is the literal line in the universe between the light and the void. This titan soul planet is being fought over and is in a tug of war right over the boarder.

Exactly. The stars could even be a myriad of different, undefinable things.

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: And a moon can be more than a mere moon :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

It’s also interesting that both Azeroth and Draenor have a larger white moon (both referred to as a feminine entity of some importance in canon sources) and a smaller, darker moon.