Elune Let Teldrassil burn

I will never understand why people expect Game of Thrones writing on a game that is more akin to a Saturday Morning cartoon.

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I read one of his books.

And by read I mean “picked it up off the shelf from a local bookstore and read the first 3 pages”

It was gross.

Doesn’t have to be game of thrones writing.

Just be logically consistent and give characters flaws and limitations, and stick to those flaws and limitations.


As a Life Goddess, it’s not in Elune’s station to deny her sister, the Winter Queen, souls. They are two parts of a whole. She didn’t step in at Teldrassil because she is likely aware of the situation in Shadowlands, and hoped that maybe those souls could find their way to her sister to keep Ardenweald afloat. Obviously, that didn’t happen.

Is Game of Thrones really the benchmark for good writing now?


Night Elves should switch to worshiping Neptune. She is a much better goddess.


Haha Knaak is one of my favorite fantasy authors! I read his book “Legend of Huma” in the Dragonlance series when I was in middle school, and all of his Dragonlance books were great. As was his Dragonrealm series!

I was pretty stoked when I saw he was going to be the author of Day of the Dragon, when that came out. I love that book too.

Bellular and Pyro called it once again

Books, not the TV show after season 5 lol

I’unno - I think of Rhonin and I think cringe, not edge. Edge is more Illidan’s department.

…Then again, it isn’t like I’ve been willing to touch anything with his name on it since the Sin War trilogy, so what do I know?

Elune ain’t the only one :crazy_face: Burn baby burn!

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At best she was ambivalent to teldrassil burning. She isn’t really a deity. She is a more powerful version(my interpretation for the more powerful part) of the shadowlands eternal ones.

And therein lies the problem learning she isnt something “other”. She CAN intervene. There ARENT some mystical rules preventing it from happening.

She was powerful enough to save yseras soul from being destroyed by fel. In This case you can argue she couldnt directly save ysera because she was being opposed by entities of equal or near-equal power(the burning legion, sargares, kil jaeden etc…)

In the case of Teldrassil while we know sylvanas was in league with the jailer, there is no indication the jailers power itself was being used during the war of the thorns, or that the jailers power was strong enough on Azeroth to oppose her. The LK’s power was all based on artifacts invested with power. The jailers actual reach was whispers at most. Not untilSylvanas fought Bolvar do we see real actual manifest jailer powers on azeroth.

So there is no doubt Elune could have protected Teldrassil. If she wanted too.

She either didnt care or didnt want too.

There is zero indication she “couldnt”. It would be rampant speculation not based in fact to suggest “oh she was busy” sorry tree.

We all wanted those stuck up Night Elves to burn.

Can’t blame her.

He let his guard down, that’s on him.

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You are basically asking why omnipotent gods do not interfere in wars? You might as well ask any world religion the same thing.

The answer is they probably have their own mysterious plan and we are stuck trying to understand it. Luckily in WoW’s case we will probably end up dealing with Elune herself someday.

Until we know more, she’s specifically called one of the true deities in the universe that we know of.

It’s not a deity’s place to interfere with such things.

You’re assuming much.

Sylvanas has been powered by him since Wrath.

Again, you assume much.

We literally know nothing about her, save for hints and small quests.


Blizzard removed that ability.

Elune’s lore said she was powerless to stop the Burning Legion.

Right. So much we don’t know about what she can and cannot do. The day to day workings of the universe may not be something she can intervene with in order to let the universe play out as it must.

Elune let everyone in Teldrassil die to Sylvanas so they could power up Zovaal and Sylvanas before going to Ardenweald to save it from Zovaal and Sylvanas. Elune’s the real one playing 12D chess. :thinking:

sits in the corner sipping tea while a discussion on nature gods is ongoing… :coffee: :face_with_monocle: (As god of the hunt)