Elune Let Teldrassil burn

I feel like Elune is like White Diamond from Steven Universe. She’s SO old, and so above it all, the squabbles of lesser beings absolutely do not concern her, until it’s in her face. It’s a problem you get with any immortal creatures/beings in most fiction. They grow stagnant and indifferent, because they’ve seen it all, and expect nothing to change, because for them nothing ever does. So when a tree full of their worshippers gets set on fire, she thinks, “Oh, what a tragedy, oh well, I’m sure they’ll recover. They always do. It’s just a blip. Back to whatever-it-is-I-do-land.”

Much like the Winter Queen when you first arrive in Ardenweald, she sees you as just one voice among many, and appears completely indifferent to your struggles. I get the feeling Elune is way worse in this regard. Even the Winter Queen thinks Elune abandoned her, her own sister.

No matter what’s actually going on, I’m dying to know more about her. And if we’ll actually get to like… meet her. What she’ll look like, etc. What her explanation will be for such negligence…

What kind of degeneracy is this? Skipping work is a positive now?

Kids these days.

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Except she kept such a close eye on Azeroth that she speaks directly to the player character in Ashenvale questing, and personally transforms a penitent satyr into a night elf.


It is amazing how Malfurion alone turned the tide of the war, considering the Night Elves were in low numbers due to the Horde’s Batman lvl passive IQ they get when they are evil.

And until now, has been the only one to put Sylvanas on her knees (Arthas doesn’t count, Sylvanas got on her knees by herself there)

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Right, but we know the writers aren’t consistent?? You’re talking about content from years ago, PRE-burning-of-Teldrassil. That Elune is a far cry from this Elune, which is what ppl are discussing rn.

Even then, Elune intervened at Teldrassil by putting everyone still in the tree to sleep so they didn’t suffer. It was covered in Elegy. The idea of her being an aloof, distant god doesn’t fit with any portrayal of her in the last decade.

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Elune is a weak Goddess, simply waiting for the day we topple it into oblivion then.

Really? So she did have the power to intervene, and chose not to save them, but to put them to sleep instead… Yeah, idk where I could have possibly got the idea that she’s exactly what I said she is. :unamused:

It’s not a positive in a vacuum, but skipping work is better than not working at all.

Nep works sometimes. As far as we can tell Elune doesn’t have a job.

Though to be fair, most Gods of Warcraft are unemployed. Only the Primus and Khaz’goroth have jobs, and both of them are Blacksmiths.

Someone should teach the gods about Tailoring, the superior profession lol

It makes sense when you understand that all systems tend towards chaos. Entropy IS the natural order. Basically what that means is, if Elune (or someone else with power) DOESN’T intervene, then at any given moment everything is in some stage of going bad.

So by interfering she is setting herself up as the provider for this primitive species. Because they have no other means of saving themselves. Perhaps she doesn’t want that responsibility, so she picks her moments and focuses on those who show promise. Maybe too much of the problem with these primitive species is the excuses they make NOT to think. She might not see the value in providing them yet another excuse.

I think it also makes a lot more sense in the WoW universe or if you assume an afterlife actually exists. Because if you assume that, then you can sort of downplay the significance of death and suffering, since you are all just going on to dance with unicorns on rainbow sunbeams in paradise. Nothing can hurt you, and nothing that dies is ever truly lost.

Only in reality things don’t actually work that way, unfortunately. So if Elune existed in OUR reality yeah, she would be really selfish not to at least intervene to give people a fair chance, since this life is all they have and if they lose that they don’t get to become anything.

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Which has made me wonder why the night elves needed the night warrior power.

Though I suppose it’s not the first curse.

He’s a chump. Come over to Team Bacchus — we have wine.

Dionysus has better wine

True, but I really like this song.

Oh, dear. Purity of essence? You know who also said that, right?


Oh my god, I love it. Can you imagine how salty the night elf players would be who have been complaining for months?

sits in the corner in a big ol rocking chair knitting Mortis a hate sweater… “Thanks Mortis ol pal, I hate it…”

The book covered that there was some “force” keeping Elune for coming to the NEs aid until the very end. They never go into detail about what that “force” was but I am writing it off to bad writing. I mean it wouldn’t have made for much of an epic opening to BFA if Elune just smited the Horde army and that was the end.

My latest research continues to indicate that Elune is stupid. :face_with_monocle:

Elune, Malfurion, Tyrande. A lot of things could have stopped Sylvanas theoretically but you are forgetting one major thing.

Plot armor.

Sylvanas is a Mary Sue character who gets randomly stronger every expansion and somehow other characters that are ACTUALLY stronger than her, never get in her way or attempt to stop her.

Once again, there is 0 logic behind it. Blizz have wrote themselves into a corner, they will have to come up with some strange way to get rid of Sylvanas at this point after all the bad writing making her stronger than Captain Marvel.