Elune Let Teldrassil burn

She was always considered very powerful but considering recent revelations there is no doubt she could have stopped Sylvanas and prevented Teldrassil from burning.

Which means Elune WANTED Teldrassil to burn and all those night elves to die for some reason.

Which makes a Sylvanas redemption arc more likely.

incoming Elune says burning teldrassil was “neccesary to defeat xxx” Maybe not the jailer but someone else in a future xpac.


Recent revelations make it pretty likely that Elune is in an unnamed “life dimension” much like the Winter Queen is in the Shadowlands. That probably puts limits on how much she can interfere in the “material plane” such as it were.

lol no

What makes a Sylvanas redemption arc likely is Danuser’s unhealthy obsession with her and the throngs of salivating (and/or edgelord) fans propping him up. To the never-ending detriment of the story.


tbf Jaina is basically the same thing for Golden.

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This is why I’ve turned to worshipping Ba’al.


Sorry Briselody, your precious moon goddess is pretty much a Horde fangirl! I say Elune for Warchief!

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Something could have been happening on her end. Maybe she overslept and missed it. :sleeping:

Elune’s always been an iffy one though. For one, she doesn’t care about anyone else on Azeroth. Her interventions have always been biased to the night elves and those who worship her. And even then she doesn’t always step in and save them either. During all of these conflicts from the War of the Ancients to now Elune hasn’t done as much as she could be doing. She mostly acts indirectly or lightly.

Sylvanas can’t possibly be redeemed, she’s done way too much wrong in her unlife. Many iconic and major characters have died before. She’s not an exception to that possibility.

anduin is the one she likes, not jaina

I dunno, she’s pretty fangirly for Jaina and she’s been fangirly for her long before Anduin mattered.

She even wrote a so cool and edgy lore reason for her to get a cool and edgy dyed streak.

For correction; Elune was helping in both the defense of Darkshore and easing the pain for the victims trapped in Teldrassil’s fall.

edit: Malfurion was basically the god destroying the horde.


World of Mary Sue Craft


As dear as Lord of the Clans is to my heart, if you read that back it was clear even then that Golden literally cannot write characters other than Mary Sues.

That’s pretty ubiquitous for WoW writers.

Let’s not even start on Knaack and his “imma insert my edgy OC into historical events for the lulz”

Yeah he sure showed us.

Fantasy writers in general, really.

Why does Elune let bad things happen to good night elves?


In his defense he got axed from behind by Saurfang.

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Actually, the most recent revelation has shown that she’s a mortal creature, just like the Winter Queen and Sire Denathrius, and as we know from what Blizzard has told us, Elune is a goddess that is worshipped on multiple planets. A goddess revered on multiple planets can only be in so many places at once.

So I seriously doubt she wanted Teldrassil to burn. She probably turned away for a moment to deal with some chaos elsewhere then turned back to see Teldrassil burning in the same way a parent might turn to take care of their kid only to look back and see that the stove is on fire. Whoops!

No thats anduin. We have fanfiction writers now.

I’m just putting it out there, if you can be defeated by an extremely old man with a forestry implement you’re not exactly the tuffest guy around.

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It did take Saurfang’s success to lead to victory. I’m not too certain what Sylvanas’s chances were.

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When have you ever known Elune to step in like that or any other deity, for that matter? She’s not there to stop events from happening.

You’re reaching with this.

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