Elune expansion possibility and speculation

I saw in interesting video by the Youtuber Doronsmovies speculating about the likelihood of an Elune expansion and what that could entail;

For speculation, I think it could explore the story of the Night Elves, trolls and tauren more, plus flesh out the native wildlife of Azeroth. It could also be used to introduce and expand on An’she and also the Celestial race.

As for what I’d like to see, I’d like to see either Arrakoa, Naga and/or Tuskarr become playable here and maybe introduce a new class like the Tinker or the Necromancer (the former coming from our interactions with the mechagnomes, goblins and Zereth Mortis and the latter coming from the Primus - maybe he decides to use the Ebon Blade to keep tabs on Azeroth - and I’d still be all for that if I wasn’t a Death Knight main).

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This costume have totally nothing related to Elune. This is more about the Titans and their world. Algalon style.


A whole expansion of all Elune, all the time? Please no.


Don’t know about you, but I can’t take another year or two of Night elves getting the spotlight. Two expacs in a row is enough


Like how Shadowlands is about Death, there could be a Life expansion featuring Night Elves, Trolls and Tauren. Elune would obviously play a part, but there could also be involvement from Loas and An’she. Arrakoa could easily be involved by connecting Rukhmar to An’she, with some possible inclusion of Anzu, though Naga is a (less likely) possibility too. I was hoping to have a necromancer class for Shadowlands since it’d be perfect but the next best opportunity for that would probably be a Life expansion as ironic as that’d be. There’s some good characters and themes that are ripe for a Gardens Of Life expansion where interesting lore points can be expanded upon if Blizzard goes in that direction.

Elune doesn’t care about the Tauren or Trolls (Or Kul’Tirans and Worgen) that much. An’she needs to balance her out by showing love to the rest of them. Also, I would love to see the Tide Mother. The Sky Father that the Tauren worship alongside the Earth Mother is canon too, but only mentioned in one book.


Surprising that people even want An’she to become a real character given what Blizzard did to Elune. They’d just ruin him like they did to her.


I mean, just look above…

… The fact that anyone would consider BFA and SL “nelf spotlight” expansions should give you a clue as to the intellect of those we are dealing with.


Your right. Apparently both expansions didn’t involve night elves. Must’ve been another tree that burned and ardenweald wasn’t about the night elves

We can all move on

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“Night elves get all the fun being genocided only to have no lasting impact on the story at large.” -Micah


BfA and Shadowlands had very little to do with the Night Elves compared to everything else that happened in them.

Calling them Night Elf expansions would be like calling Legion a Tauren expansion just because Tauren were involved in a singular zone.


Reading still be difficult for you huh? Still making stuff up that no one actually said


The fact the the near unanimous response to a potential Elune Expantion from Nelf fans is “Please God, no…” should tell you all you need to know about nelf “spotlight”


In my opinion, they ruined him by making his existence in doubt. I would rather know that he exist at all, then for him to not show up.

Did Night Elf fans want Elune to remain mysterious, or are they just sad about what she was revealed to be?

The gods being nothing more than 3D printed robots that became fleshy down the road was the dumbest thing blizzard ever did


And now the An’she fans simply want him to exist.

Elune is ruined by being revealed as a 3D Printed Robot(unless the Proto Pantheon of Death and the Spirit infestation of Zereth Mortis hints at an infiltration by True Gods into the various Pantheons). An’she is ruined by having his existence in doubt!

An’she being proven to exist is not a problem even if it does turn out he is a Robot!


Well, I don’t know about other An’she fans, but that’s exactly what I want. I don’t like how they are robots, but at this point, I’ll take anything.

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