Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

Its one of a few ideas. But I have long given up trying to have intelligent conversation with certain people here.

how would you know? You’re not in my head.

Because some people believe in an eye for an eye, I guess. It baffles me, too. Back when BfA started and there were these threads about how we should destroy Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff, I was – still am – appalled. My character wanted to slaughter every member of the Horde for about two weeks, but even she got over it to the point of just wanting to kill Horde soldiers.

I just really hope, when folks bring up “NEFPA” – I don’t know what that stands for except Night Elf something or other and please don’t tell me – they do understand that it’s a minority of night elf players arguing for that kind of thing. [ETA: does seem like a lot of human and gnome players talk like that…pls don’t lump them in with nelf players, they’re…well, idk, I just really, REALLY hate the “eye for an eye” “we should slaughter innocents too!” arguments, they make me sick to my stomach.] Just like I believe it’s a minority of Horde players cackling over the burning of Teldrassil and talking about how they need to kill the rest of us now.

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I’m curious who said this besides Blood Elf Ara Vain.

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After our brief conversation I don’t think an eye for an eye is what Smallz is saying. It seems more like an eye for an entire body. He doesn’t want to do to the Horde what was done to the Alliance. He seems like he wants accountability and insurance that it won’t happen again, which isn’t unreasonable. I just think dismantling the Horde is a bit…drastic.


Oh I don’t mean in this thread, just generally, and I haven’t kept track. It hasn’t been mostly on the lore forums, though I’ve seen it here occasionally, more on General, and one or two “friendly RP Discord!” communities that I bailed on pretty quickly.

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I vaguely remember something to that affect. I thought it was tongue and cheek trolling because the tree was built on corruption, not because they were too powerful. Anyway yeah, that’s not a common point of view on these forums.

I see something like this suggested every now and then, about night elves and tauren pairing up. And I can kinda get why; they’re each faction’s nature-loving race so they seem like a natural fit at first glance. Maybe I just read too much into this stuff, but I don’t feel that the two races’ themes are on an even footing here.

The night elves are pretty obvious since nature reverence is ingrained in them from the start, so in a hypothetical where the night elves leave the alliance, the “only” thing the alliance really loses is the nature stuff. But I think tauren nature themes are secondary, and their biggest theme is being in this weird spot where they’re treated as “the good ones.” Taking tauren out of the horde is essentially taking the horde’s theoretical good side out of it. It’s pretty messed up that Blizzard wrote the faction this way, but that’s what the game’s stuck with.

But even then, aren’t they kinda tainted with how the horde’s been used? You may as well replace them with the worgen altogether and not involve a horde race at all. I don’t think there’s anything a tauren druid can bring that a worgen harvest witch can’t do, without having any extra baggage.

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So… did everyone miss the after scene where Tyrande says Elune has something special planned for the Night Elf souls on theme with renewal?

it seems like they are planning some big restorative plot for the Night Elves, even possibly regrowing Teldrassil and restoring the Night Elf souls that were lost to be alive again.

Why is this an unreasonable request?

doh, I meant to say it was reasonable lol


Fixed, but I feel no matter what there will still be war. At this point I would like anything to be done, as cool as it could be to dismantle the Horde I don’t think it’ll happen.

Dismantling the Horde is on one end of the spectrum, not even acknowledging their transgressions/incompetency is on the other. I wouldn’t mind seeing something in between.

As much as I think dismantling the Horde is drastic, I also think Varian walking away saying words was too dumb.

Decommissioning the Warchief title and imprisoning loyalist maybe the extent of
accountability. We’re gonna sweep all the other stuff under the rug and sing the I love you Barney song.

At this point I think both factions need to be dismantled due to game reasons. WoW doesn’t have the healthy population numbers it has had and its just getting worse and worse now.
After Legion both factions had a real chance of coming together but BFA utterly destroyed that so now we face the question of how to deal with this going forward.

Alliance dismantling the Horde and then disbanding themselves is one of the only things I can think of that won’t shame the players and give solid assurances that the Horde wont go on a genocidal killing spree again.


Nevermind that the nelves didn’t lift a finger when the Tauren were banished from their homelands by the Centaur.

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Did the Tauren ask for help?

on top of this, most player mix the highmountain tauren with the kalimdortauren. The ancients Allis of the Night elves were the Highmountain Tauren, and with them they share a deep bound, the Kalimdor-Tauren were never the ancients allis of the night elves.

The War of the Ancients is narrative diarrhea.

Broxigar was this huge asset that killed a bajillion demons and even managed to hurt Sargeras himself. Tyrande personally tended to his wounds.

So why, why, would the Kaldorei’s knee jerk reaction to Orcs be extreme prejudice?

I know it was awhile ago but really I don’t think a bright green alien with the build of an industrial fridge is the sort of thing you forget about.


10,000 years is a loooooong time

That was for one reason only:

WOTA Novels were written after the release of Warcraft 3, it changed the story of a 250 year war between two superpowers in the universe into a “time traveling save the world” nonsense plot.

broxigar is only another of knaaks bad ideas.

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In retrospec the adoration and veneration that self-insert got from all the Night Elves does cringe me a little. I wish we got more focus on the NEs and their society and how it all collapsed than time traveling bozos.

I’m aware of the meta reasoning. It just makes the story dumb.

Like Meyl Felstorm was clearly born of a desire to use a Forsaken character before they canonically existed, and his "local mage too angry to die’ origin is bizarre.

But at least he’s kept mostly to the shadows and doesn’t like save Genn’s life and make his opinion on undead retroactively asinine.


Would be pretty on par with there suddenly being some sort of unofficial slave ring run by Orcs just so they can can have Varian be a Thrall copy and be judged less for being a racist warhawk, as well as give an excuse to hand over some Blood Elf fan service to the Alliance.