Elune as a 'Life Lord': A Metaperspective

“Things that mortals may not be aware of” they say? Hilarious. Outside of some pretty niche areas of topology and category theory, fractals are almost entirely worthless, and have nothing to do with anything in either physics or 99% of mathematics. They look pretty and that’s it. All talk of them appearing in nature/biology is untrue pop-science that won’t die. In the mathematical community, someone trying to talk to us about fractals is an instant yikes-flag signaling that they have no idea what they’re talking about and are into some really crazy woowoo—which probably involves the use of “frequencies” and “vibrations” as many times as possible in a sentence.

I know it’s a minor thing to harp on, but I hate that Blizzard is going for such low-hanging fruit to try and say “wOOOwwwOO! This is complicated stuff, take our word for it!” That just shows lazy worldbuilding.

That for some reason reminded me long time removed draenei joke, about “vibrations”.


IMO it was a ridiculous statement. “Geometry” as a thing mortal minds may not be aware of. In a setting with artillery and ships.

gl hf


This is biology/medical biology, philosophy, and Kabbalistic (Jewish)/Hermetic Kabbalistic (Jewish-derived) theology/philosophy erasure!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Tbf, that’s what a lot of fantasy is. Recycled pseudo-science. See ley lines. See alchemy. See astrology.

Then likely they’ll hit Elune with the villain bat after they’re done beating the Light with it.

All to “KeEp ThE ‘wAr’ In WaRCrAfT.”