Elune as a 'Life Lord': A Metaperspective

I feel like I just experienced the lovechild of Time Cube and the guy who drafted the Pepsi logo redesign document.


Literally the speculation has me going insane because not even the wiki page associates fractals with physics so it’s just been endless
 just incorrectly-justified speculation lol

like okay cool let your mind run wild but please don’t say wrong science

Like truly, Hermetic Kabbalah is more relevant to the literal design of the cosmic forces chart and to this idea of “magic but fractals” because of how the Sephiroth is supposed to be expanded in the context of the Four Worlds and how each Sephira contains it’s own Sephiroth (in turn expandable).

My personal work of art:

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The thing is
 Blizzard retcons strike again.

Back in Warcraft 3 RoC, the lorebook accompanying the game called her “Azeroth’s only true deity”. At that point the Light was already a part of the setting and the Titans and the Wild Gods were also introduced then. So that puts Elune above those forces in power.

Then Elune can interact with the six cosmic Forces by World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion;

  • Her Tear is a Pillar of Creation alongside Titan artifacts (Arcane)
  • Velen noticed traits she shared with the naaru back in BC, and said Tear unlocked the core of a Prime Naaru (Light)
  • She cleansed the Emerald Dream and sent Ysera’s soul to the Shadowlands (Life, while showing power over Void and Death).
  • Elune can also reverse the transformation of Satyrs and shielded Tyrande from fel magic to the point even Archimonde himself couldn’t harm her (power over Fel).

If Elune is just a “Life Lord” how would that explain her power over the other five cosmic forces? It seemed Elune zig-zagged from being the big-G Creator God of the Warcraft setting, to a titan, to a Light equivalent of the Void Lords
 and now a “Life Lord”.

But, I have a theory. My theory is that it’s that it’s possible to ascend divine ranks in World of Warcraft if you’re already among them, and Elune was a Life Lord who got ascended to the ranks of the First Ones. That would also be why the Winter Queen considers Elune to have “abandoned her” eons ago.


I just searched Google and all it says is that Fractals are never ending patterns.


What Lore Book?

The only Lore Book I’ve seen is https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warcraft_III:_Reign_of_Chaos_Game_Manual and it does not call Elune the One True God or anything of the sort!

Only the Non-Canon RPG created by White Wolf(which was first released before WoW was) claims she is the One True God and it is Non-Canon!

Alliance Player’s Guide, Manual of Monsters, Monster Guide and Horde Player’s Guide are all part of the RPG and thus are Non-Canon!

The only Canon Lore Stories following the WC3 Manuals are the Warcraft Encyclopedia and the Chronicle Volumes 1-3.

All the Warcraft Encyclopedia says is that Elune is one of the few Full Gods and that the Titans despite not being Gods were able to defeat the Old Gods who were Gods!

It’s a mathematical function that describes a specific category of pattern particularly in nature and whose principles can be applied to algorithms

I think that’s more an issue with the writers’ own choice of words in the Broker journal the Secret Finding discord uncovered. I personally don’t know anything about fractals beyond them existing as a concept in Euclidean geometry. Any reference to them in this thread on my part is an explicit reference to content the writers’ have produced.

Possibly. Conceptually, if they tried to explain how her diverse power set is still “Life”-based, it could be illustrated in a way that showcases “Life” as a product of the interactions between the Light, Void, Order and Chaos. That would mean the material plane is either the “Life plane” or that the Life plane (and presumably, the Shadowlands as the Death plane) are derivative planes, instead of fundamental planes. A nifty idea, and while it seemed like Chronicles may have intended to portray the division of the universe like that initially, I don’t see it being illustrated like that any more, because I think the writers are more interested in giving each domain it’s own isolated, non-derivative plane of existence (though I could be wrong). It’s unfortunate, really, because retroactively shoe-horning in characters into those tidy domains is subpar writing. If it happens like that, the story will be lesser for it.

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The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.

My theory is, Elune is a “Life Lord,” but proclaimed to be a Goddess. (Upstart goddess) She wants to be a First One or sees herself as one.

I believe Elune is a fanatic Pantheon, who is killing other Pantheon and absorbing their powers.

I think the Sepulcher of the First Ones is where Pantheon/Titan Souls go when they die and Zovaal wants to resurrect them. Which is why he was banished.

This would be an interesting story between Zovaal and Elune if he were to get in contact with fallen Pantheon and figure out what/who killed them

in my opinion, elune should have white eyes, like the moon, not green eyes^^

Old gods are liars and dead

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While it is non-canonical, the RPG originally referred to her eyes as orbs of pure moonlight. And while they aren’t beholden to it, I doubt the writers are going to abandon the white/silver aesthetic in favor of greens for Elune.

I don’t know about killing them, since her explicit mentions in lore thus far deal almost exclusively with creation and nuture on the cosmic scale, but Elune being considered an “upstart” or a rebel because she rejected the rigid division of power in the universe could be an interesting avenue of exploration.

I think that Elune really became more than a normal Titan, or is more, Upstart Goddes
can mean many things.

Nah it was One Of not Only


It’s possible Elune had/has some ambitions. I also get the feeling you don’t like her.

Swinging the villain bat around to keep the story going is usually bad writing (and Blizzard’s got a hit-and-miss track record when it comes to writing nuanced characters).

Where did you get this Pantheon killing idea from? Elune might have made the naaru, so it makes no sense for the Light to be on a hit list. She not only hasn’t moved against the Titans, but her powers have complimented theirs with a Pillar of Creation - her Tear. As far as I know there’s no Fel Pantheon, and while she’s moved against the Old Gods there’s no sign of her consuming their powers. As for Death and Life, Elune has worked with Life deities and if anything, Elune has aided certain death groups (such as her sister the Winter Queen and - SPOILERS - the Stonewright of Revendreth having some Night Warrior powers).

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The Elune stuff is fine. There’s still room to expand her Pantheon, and I think she’ll likely be the head of it (much like Aman’thul and the Arbiter).

I don’t see the big issue with any of this since Elune has always been associated with the life cosmology predominantly, while having influences in other cosmologies. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if she flat-out gave Eonar her Tear and taught her mastery over Life so she could bring it about the cosmos while the Titans wiped the Old Gods out.

I’m honestly quite glad she’s not a First One, because that leaves more room for the writers to be creative and introduce something really cool rather than just say “Elune” and be done with it.

To be fair, it has to keep swinging in order to keep the game going, which in all likely hood will continue with either Elune or the Light, as that has some set up already.

What I had thought, would make all this make sense, is Elune being a First One. It would have fit for her to have influence over all these other cosmic forces, with such power.

However, the Winter Queen refers to her as a Sister, and in ToS, Xal’atath reacts with saying “​My mistake. It seems this upstart ‘goddess’ still holds some sway here. Oh well.”

Additionally, in the preview for the Gilmore of Shadowlands, the broker states he believes Elune to be a Pantheon of Life.

Originally, I believed Elune to actually be part of the Pantheon of Light, that her connection to Nature was in relation only. Her lover(s), such as Malorne, were Pantheon of Life, so their offspring (Cenarius, etc) carried over aspects of both Life and Light.

Somewhat connecting with Illidan and Malfurion, one child is Life, one child is Light, eye colors, etc

Being part of the Pantheon of Light would explain Elune’s ability to create the Naaru, while also explaining why she has connections to the Void, such as Night Warriors.

Additionally, the attack on Revendreath, could have been seen as her attacking Denathrius. Either he promised her something, or he was next on her list to conquer.

But, with the book and winter queen evidence, I believe she is part of the Pantheon of Life.

However, Xal’atath’s comment of her being an “upstart goddess” has lead me to believe she is a Pantheon of Life, but does “favors” for anyone who worships her.

She is a fanatic narcissist.

  • She agreed to give Life to these Light beings (Naaru) in exchange for something.

  • She didn’t send the Wild Gods to Telldrasil because she made a deal with Zovaal, or whomever.

  • She helped the Stonewright (Denathrius) defeat the Light, in exchange for something.

    • Why would she help the Stronewright defeat the Naaru if she is the one who made them?
  • She grants untold power to beings who worship her, that eventually consume them. The Night Warrior is not a gift.

  • She has ties to Arcane, Light, and Shadow, meaning she has acquired some of their power, somehow. Which, yes is vague, but that’s where we are right now.

If you take a look at the Emerald Nightmare and the Red Moons (Worgen going berserk, etc), the “rage” of Life usually appears to be Red. So why/how are the Night Warriors attached to Shadow ? Wouldn’t their power be red in Rage?

It’s speculation, but I believe Elune is somehow gaining the powers of other cosmic forces because she considers herself to be the most worthy. (upstart goddess) She sees herself on the same power level, if not higher, than the first ones.

The fact that she is “killing” these other Pantheon is just Shadowlands Speculation. The Sepulcher of the First Ones to me, is one of two things.

Either 1:

  • This is where World Souls go when they die. Zovaal wants to gain access to it because he wants to create a new (his own) Pantheon of Death. This could bring back the Void Infused World Soul Sargeras killed, while also bringing back any Pantheon Elune killed. -If she did indeed kill them.

    • That could lead to some intresting storylines moving forward on the cosmic level.

Or 2:

  • The Sepulcher of the First Ones is where the First Ones sacrificed themselves to seal away this mysterious 7th Cosmic Force. Zovaal just wants to unleash it cause he’s evil, which wouldn’t tie into Elune almost at all. :smiley:

Obviously this is a just a strong opinion and no solid fact, but with Blizzard slowly nudging Elune towards being a Life-exclusive deity, everyone needs to prepare themselves for the fact that Blizzard will just retcon Khadgar’s Naaru-Elune statement. It will happen. They’ll just say he was speculating or something.

They will not compromise their vision of the cosmology just to be consistent with the singular statement of some Mage in pseudo-cutscene. That’s bonkers.


Oh yeah, its all speculation. We have 9.1 content retconning 9.0 content already. Blizzard can’t see past their own nose.

It might not quite be fair, but among a few recent interviews I saw a note (my french is so rusty that I used google translate) that made me feel a bit odd.

He [Al’firim, author of the report] talks about “fractals”, “geometry”, “patterns”. These are things that a mortal mind may not be aware of, and perhaps this is what drives his manic curiosity.

© https://fr.millenium.gg/news/380364.html

(mentioned with a few other interviews in discord)

gl hf

could you share the other interviews aswell?

But, its not even funny
i mean
“There are no retcons, they are a perspective, even the neutral word of god narrator
is only one perspective” 
Danuser, in all respect but

But weÂŽll see Nathanos again next week.

Not much really. So far I saw 4





gl hf