Boosting has been here since the original launch of the game, It was merely less noticable and more hush hush.
The Gould Saucer originated from FF7 over 20 years ago. It’s a permanently accessible amusement park event you can visit to relax and have fun. We can’t access it all year long and it has not enough fun activities either.
I have seen the FF14 videos where people learn to make music and dance routines. Why can’t we have this as well? WoW’s best luxury leisure activity is to RP which is underutilized immensely. Most of the casuals - including us - don’t want to grind all the long but play and interact with other players in a meaningful way.
Not saying I disagree, I respect your opinion as you have enjoyed non-queued content when that existed. In my opinion, removing queued content would more than likely cause a new boosting scene to arrive. Particularly, lower end dungeon boosts - similar to what is seen in TBCC currently. I realize the population for TBCC is not what it was back when TBC was current. But, it’s incredibly hard to find groups for dungeon grinding at lower levels simply because a greater portion that would be participating in grouping up for those dungeons, when leveling alts, are just paying for dungeon boosts. It dramatically cuts down on the population for potential parties that could/would have been formed. That’s only my opinion though; whether or not it would come to fruition is neither here nor there since queued content hasn’t been removed in the modern WoW to either prove or disprove my guess/statement.
people are waiting for 10 but 9.2 going to be very telling if blizz will change. No need to wait for 10.
Lots of people, they were drowned out but they still liked the importance of a story choice. We all saw they were inevitably wrong but they still did like that idea
Is that just because titan forging is gone? Seriously, what made LFD and WQ “rewarding” (super vague btw) I think there’s an argument to be made that rep grins should have better gear at the end but WQ have always given low level loot with the only difference being titan forging
This whole paragraph makes no sense.
I didn’t make a claim I asked a question. One that i’ll point out you didn’t answer. So i’ll ask again. Why would casual players get raid gear from content that’s significantly easier than raids? what other successful game gives you end game gear while doing early game content? The gear the WQ, LFD and LFR gives you is strong enough for you to be powerful in the world zones
I don’t believe I mentioned casuals wanting mythic gear in any of my comments. Are you arguing with me or you making up arguments in your head? you don’t seem to understand what im saying and instead of asking for clarification you’ve just made a strawman of what im saying and ran with that.
LOL I love seeing an idiots ole faithful whipped out in the forums. You see a comment you don’t like, but you’re not clever enough to think out a solid reason why. You go on a tangent strawmanning like the wind but you have no idea how to back up anything you say. When all the holes in your wobbley argument are pointed out you procced to call them a jerk and run away.
Never change dude
Now you’re calling me an “idiot”. Your posts are entirely about your arrogance.
gloss over everything said in my reply, call me arrogant, run away from every question, strawman everything, cherry pick snarky (yet so, so true) comments to use as an escape rope from this talk
Your post was entirely about not being willing to honestly consider the issues I thought we discussing and turned into a diatribe about how casuals are idiots. We never had anything to discuss.
Edit to add: I see you replied, though I’m not reading your posts because I have blocked you. I have no time for victim-card waving elitists chanting memes about how stupid everybody who plays videogames are. Elitists will never be happy, because they can never get enough to make them feel special, and they are forced to play a game with normal people.
Not agreeing with your idea is not the same as not considering it. I did consider what you said, I just think you’re wrong. Lets be honest here, Pointing out why I think you’re incorrect on a game issue isn’t rude. Have you considered what i’ve said to you? because you still haven’t answered my question of “Why would casual players get raid gear from content that’s significantly easier than raids?”
It was rewarding when you actually get something for it:
- 5 Mark of Honors, an actual rewarding honor-amount
- A weapon which isn’t for a spec you don’t use
- Transmog/Mounts/Pets when available (Legion Azshara uninstanced, if the question comes up)
The game lacks everything at this point. Fun, actual good alt leveling progression, story for the new players, story for the regular players, life of quality changes, included community feedback, character slots, more character customization, more races, more subraces, more character heritage armors, a faction balance, faction pride items which aren’t FOMO, transmog items people care about, evergreen content, class halls content/quests, mounts people actually care about and are not locked behind FOMO/PVP.
It’s no surprise anymore. But hey, you can raid at least. This is something good, right?
They need to write on a giant dry erase board the issues raised by players. Go down the list fixing the stuff one at a time. Not 1 year later make minimum effort and still have problems.
While they need to do that starting in the alpha and the beta, what they really need to do is marketing research that will give them a clear idea of what players will accept or reject, what they are willing to pay for and what they would quit over. They need to design expansions for the playerbase they have, not for some fantasy hypercompetitive elite playerbase that doesn’t exist, nor with the intent of forcing casuals to git gud by making them do hard content they aren’t interested in.
I was really just replying to the other guy with an equally absurd idea to his remove mythic raid one.
Casuals aren’t happy no lifers aren’t happy.
I don’t think blizzard knows what they are doing anymore.
To be fair the Timeless Isle was never beaten in my opinion. It was just straight up the best iteration of its system and nothing has come even close ever since.
I’m not buying the next expansion out of principle. I don’t care what features they add, or how much it costs. I’m not buying it, too many stinkers in a row from them. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Because they use MAUs as metrics not player accounts.
The base 15 per month doesnt cut it for Activision Blizzard anymore on the stockholder reports.
Therefore they drive “work -like” gameplay to keep you online as opposed to “fun” gameplay to keep you entertained.
This premise is false, they don’t listen to the 1%. They don’t listen to anyone. If the elites are quitting and your left with a game you didn’t want wouldn’t that mean…. No one wants the game In the state it is in?
Agreed the longer you are online l, increases the chance you will go on the store and spend money
Work-like gameplay still only gets them $15 per month.