Elidibus VS N'zoth. Who told their 5+ year long story better?

How is it hating on it? I admitted both sides of the story have their flaws, just they tripped at two different points in the story structure and wanted to know what people thought.

I won’t really deny FFXIV’s narratives being better than WoW’s, but saying that it is isn’t saying much.

I mean, FFXIV has a lot of exposition and time spent doing things that don’t really matter to the core narrative/characters. The first 4-5 hours of every expansion is spent setting up everything to start moving when it could easily be consolidated into one or two. ARR didn’t even really start getting interesting until post-Titan, which was 20-30 hours in.

There’s also the fact that FFXIV is a game where the story is, for the most part, particularly linear for an MMO. It’s been that way since it started. In that game, side quests are usually their own separate entities, whereas WoW has side quests that aren’t always keeping to themselves. They can often bleed into the overarching story in any given zone. It’s more open in that regard.

More to the point, while WoW does have a story it wants to tell with every expansion, it’s not exactly a story-driven game. FFXIV is, and it’s designed as such. It’s not so much a matter of how good Blizzard is at writing more than it is just understanding that these two games have different goals. When one of them has the goal of being story-driven with an overarching narrative that expands 4+ games/expansions, and the other has the goal of being an esport-type game with aggressive endgame progression and mechanics, then it’s not even a question of which writers are better because that question is pointless to ask.


Ouch, my heart. I said earlier, but I’ll say again. They really nailed villains that you really didn’t want to take out. You understood them, you felt for them. You didn’t agree with their plans and couldn’t let them kill everyone, but gosh you understood why they were doing what they did.

Shadowbringers left my heart broken, but in a good way. It was a brilliant expansion.

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“LOOK AT ME! I have lived a thousand THOUSAND of your lives! I’ve broken bread with you, fought with you! Grown ill, grown old, sired children and YES! Welcomed death’s sweet embrace!”


Poor Emet. Will always love him.

Thousands of years of loneliness and watching your world destroyed has to be unimaginably hard. Unlike Elidibus, he didn’t forget. He looked on the shattered remnants of what used to be, and remembered what was before. Doesn’t mean I could let him kill the new life that had arisen, but damned if my heart didn’t break for him. :frowning:

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Is this a joke? Elidibus. He was a GENIUS. He bid his time waiting and watching. N’zoth just…slept for ages and then popped out and got defeated.

The way he executed his plan stealing the crystal tower’s power and summoning other world’s warriors of lights was truly epic. He’s death was also epic, being erased completely by overwhelming infinite power from the tower.


TBH N’zoth wasn’t given attention at all. He was…nothing, really just a character they tossed there as filler between Sylvanas story.

He really meant nothing for Blizzard.

If you want to compare big villains compare Elidibus vs Sylvanas instead. And Elidibus wins because Sylvanas being so so bad.


elidibus is probably the best villain in anything i’ve encountered, to be honest. and his battle theme. holy hell

n’zoth…well, he didn’t even make sense. why engage the player in combat when your whole thing is hiding in the dark? sure, elidibus did exactly the same, but he had run out of options and got trapped. nzoth just floated up from a hole and was like “ive got this” for no apparent reason. he didn’t have to do that at all. as far as i can tell, he didn’t even try to corrupt the player. just kinda talked about how hopeless fighting him is before getting blasted in the face.


Comparing Wow narrative from an in game perspective to FFXIV is like putting a HS jv team against a pro team. It just isn’t fair…FF is almost 100% story driven where Wow is more game play focused. I will say they screwed the pooch on Nzoth unless we find out later he wanted to get dusted.

While this isn’t Elidibus… THIS is how you write a villain!


the fact this comparison is even being made is a crime if theres one thing ffxiv has done better then wow for sometime now its story telling