Elidibus VS N'zoth. Who told their 5+ year long story better?

Elidibus: Started off with no real character and sort of was just “There” for 3 expacs until the final patch where he suddenly got his whole story and pulled it off as best as they could.


N’zoth: Who started off as a clever schemer behind the scenes with a lot of build up, getting lots of hints of his plan through patches here and there, preparing…But then flopped at the end.

Who stumbled down and up the stairs better?


Considering Elidibus was still mostly present from the beginning until his end…obviously he wins. There was some actual effort put into his story. I don’t see how this is even a contest.


Squenix has writers. Blizz has chimpanzees on typewriters. There will never be a competition about which has better characters and story.


LB4 pstd flashbacks intensifies.


Stealing ardbert body wasn’t cool. I don’t really like ascians whole lot. Too much teleportation and immortality until plot kills them

Zenos is more interesting to watch. He’s like completely unhinged and unpredictalbe. Ascians has their clear goal and goal itself is pretty cool (and some of them could be just programmed zombies like Elidibus which is also pretty coold)


Oh please I got this under control.

uses 10 second limit break defensive right off the bat.

LB4 occurs 15 seconds later.


I’d consider Emet Selch better than Elidibus, then WOL happened… it’s really a gut wrenching story.

Also the WoW devs squandered the N’Zoth story. Sorry not sorry they really did.


You should get a job on the Blizzard writing team. You’d fit right in.


Emet’s the best. I really do love him. I still do like him more than Elidibus, but damned if I didn’t feel things in that cutscene after you took him down. That’s two antagonists where you really just wanted to give a hug. You could understand and sympathise with their motivations, while at the same time being opposed to them. It was done brilliantly.

My answer to the topic of the thread is Elidibus. Square managed to tell an interesting story that made me feel so much. There was a lot of character development, and you got quite attached. They clearly showed the Ascian’s motivations, and made you feel their sense of loss. WoW managed to tell a disjointed story with nothing but vague hints at everyone’s motivation and thoughts (if even that), and had characters that they treated as a device to further their terrible writing rather than actual interesting people.


Every major villain in BFA act like a throwaway character, Blizzard really need to do something about it.


Use a character that isn’t classic before you speak to me please. Otherwise I don’t really consider your opinion when it comes to retail.

That’s like saying the plot of HotS affects the plot of Starcraft. Japanese companies are incredibly compartmentalized. Plus KH3 is basically Nomura’s “I want to do dumb stuff” project.

That said they probably should of said the “XIV team” has writers, but that’s not as amusing to say


Yeah, I try to forget KH 3 for the most part. The game’s story as a whole sucked but the ending was adequate I guess.



As a KH fan, I can confirm that this is 100% accurate.


I don’t mind spoiler, did the main bad guy die in the KH3?

In true KH fashion, that depends on which main bad guy you speak of.

The bald old man, how many “main” bad guy is there in KH?

Well, you’ve got the main disney villain bad guy. You’ve got the main bad guy who is responsible for spinning the web of the other main bad guy who pretended to be someone else all along, and then you have the main bad guy for the first series of games. But yeah, Xehanort is dead. Very dead.

To be fair, XIV only has lore that exists in the game and in no other form of medium. Anything that they dish out is going to be considered gold. People just like to hate on WoW’s story because there are a lot of different points of view to consider. Mostly due to the factions.

Sylvanas is my favorite Blizzard character, you think I’m happy with the direction Blizzard took her? No not really, not in particular. Am I going to go and say the entire story of WoW is garbage because I disagree with a few things? No.

FFXIV doesn’t have to work with the limitations of factions, or anything like that.