Void Elves seem like malicious compliance by Blizzard as they know the Alliance players want High Elves.
So they made Void Elves which are Elves but not the requested High Elves.
Void Elves seem like malicious compliance by Blizzard as they know the Alliance players want High Elves.
So they made Void Elves which are Elves but not the requested High Elves.
No it’s still a symbollic name. This game just has to distinguish between all it’s elves and humans because there are too many.
All i really want are options to turn off the form from toggling with the buffs, and just generally porting over some of the blood elf hair styles
You did see that that thread started with someone mentioning tolkien style elves? I’m just saying whatever elves show up should be rooted in WoW’s story and not just to fulfill a generic fantasy trope wishlist.
meaning there are clear fundamental differences that need to be distinguished…? Exactly like what I’m saying? Bloodelves are not Highelves. But both, are elves.
Also please point me to a Highelf with fel green eyes, or is that a bloodelf specific thing?
Which High Elves already are.
Lets be real, they fit more than a -lot- of the races they’ve added to the lore over the years, regardless of the actual quality of the writing of those races. @ Metzen straight up making a blue post to apologize for the retcons they did for Draenei.
It’s an MMO. I think you look at a lot of races and see that they had to have their lore rent, bent and twisted to fit into either faction, because that prioritize the 2 faction system mechanic over the existing world and story. High Elves wouldn’t be a race problematic to the lore compared to a lot of others.
But those aren’t the same as our High Elves. Sure, some people want to be Legolas but a lot of us just want the High Elves we loved from WC2 and up. So far we can’t have that in game.
The Silver Covenant High Elves are what we want.
Those distinctions don’t mean race. We are still in our ancestral home. We are still described as High Elves when we create our characters.
All Blizzard needs to do is create some sort of faction ambassador system and they can go afk in stormwind with their belf/helf.
Pretty sure they’re still Blood Elves and they have no issue kicking out High Elves that they don’t feel are aligned with their views.
Not to mention that High Elves hate the Blood Elves for taking in Fel taint and kicking them out of their own home. Vareesa, their leader, hates them for being with the Horde too and potentially knowing what Garrosh did as that resulted in her husband dying.
I see “70 Blood Elf Warrior” under your name oddly enough, not “70 High Elf Warrior”.
Weird, it must not be showing up correctly.
Because we go by our symbollic name. I see in the Blood Elf description that we are High Elves that renamed ourselves. And that doesn’t change race.
Ah yes, a group of people embracing a new national identity means they become a different race.
But they aren’t High Elves.
If they said they were the real High Elves of the Silver Covenant would spit on them.
all this stupidity could have been avoided but thanks to Blizzard and their “fans don’t know what they want” policy we are here.
Gilneans are still humans but clearly are separate on the character select screen from humans. So too are the big bois despite them also having a smaller regular human look too.
Culture and views are a big part that separates races. That’s why Blood Elves aren’t the same as the High Elves of the Silver Covenant.
Blood Elves mourn their dead and have embraced the Horde.
High Elves still live on and didn’t betray their culture or views while remaining loyal to the Alliance.
At this point I’m not actually arguing against you here. All I’m saying is if you want WoW high elves, ask for WoW high elves (which you in this post are doing) and not some other story’s highelves like the post I originally responded to did.
Nope. I just think they’d be a waste. There’s already two versions of them in the game cosmetically. A third would be massive overkill IMO.
I’m on the side that as per your character the story is up to you. I’m rather have fewer race options with huge ranges of customization then a ton of specialized sub-races that have specific looks. Like making Wildhammer and Bronzebeard dwarves two separate races as opposed to one. Broader categories allow more freedom to make edge cases visually, and also avoid the AR problem of class availability.
That’s because the SC is a violent supremecist terrorist organization that I do not understand why people love so much.
Read the lore, they 100% became in another race thanks to their out of control addictions
If we’re using WoW’s story, then high elves should have been playable for Alliance back in Wrath of the Lich King when the Silver Covenant was introduced. Before the Silver Covenant, I was on board with just letting the Horde have Thalassian elves and leave it at that, since high elves become blood elves in Warcraft 3 and all that.
As an aside, I’m still curious as to why they even bothered with that, because the only reason that makes sense to me was to accommodate the characters created by whatshisname that wrote the books about Rhonin (did he say something like “nooo Vareesa cannot be a blood elf!!1!one!!”?). The Silver Covenant could have been a multi-racial organization instead of one composed of high elves that were pulled out of the ether.
Feel like we are going in circles here.
You accept the humans are all different factions
and you accept there are fundamental differences between highelves/bloodelves
but for some rason you refuse to accept that the elf races are split by faction like humans?
Actually, I just went and watched the Bloodelf intro to check that, it does not call us highelves, it does however say that Lor’themar hopes the holy magic of the new sunwell will one day ‘cure the bloodelves of their cursed state’ Confirming that bloodelves are infact fel afflicted and very much phsysically different to the none fel afflicted High elves.
thankyou for making me watch that intro.