Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

high elves already exist

Bliz should create High Elves as a neutral faction.

I never actually wanted High Elves to be playable.

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We already have High Elves on our side. We just renamed ourselves.


For real.
People don’t consider that the high elves hate the humans. Their alliance from WarCraft 3 was about as strong as a wet piece of paper.

Though if I wanted to be a sophist I’d be making threads asking for Alliance trolls, which makes about as much sense as these threads.


Granted there were a few High Elves that did stay behind and some that went back there, but they are probably all blueberry flavored now.

I take offense to all of this!

Not really, but I had a lot of fun RPing Kade to where I wanted him, story wise. If he had been a High Elf from the start he would have just been… a High Elf. That stabbed things.

It was funny, I was like “yay!” when Blizz put in the option to be tentacle-less, but when I took Kade to the barber it just didn’t look right on him! And he looks awesome when he turns all purple, I think of it like a RAWR Hulk type thing.

That all said. Void Elves are awesome, but High Elves would also be handy, RP wise.

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In fairness, I think that comes more of a biproduct of how WoW has been traditionally segregated hard core in terms of the races. Lore wise, I see no reason why, for example, factions like the Cenarion Circle and the Earthen Ring (for example) could have Night Elves and Tauren allied with each other enough to blurr the lines and eventually lead to Alliance Tauren or Horde Night Elves. The game doesn’t really do much to contextualize that type of thing though.

It was so peaceful…

If any elves are going to get high I would put my money on those hippies on the horde…


You got your high elf skins on void elves.

Please…for the love of everything sacred. Not another elf any time soon.

This is why the Alliance gets 500 different horses. “What if we keep asking for the same thing we already have guys?”


As a real Void Elf I demand Blizzard strips those fake high elf floozys of any properties they stole from us and return us to normal oh the fake elves can keep their stupid blue eyes and fake blond hair but rest we get back.


But Kael’thas totally wanted some Jaina! Then he had to go and get evil.

Yes, very much so, but I’m nervous about the writing team delivering a satisfying story.

Jaina is a bad influence. Both Arthas and Kael turned bad.


He probably came to his senses after Jaina dumped him xD

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If you want a Tolkien fantasy elf LOTRO is there for you.

WoW elves aren’t Tolkien elves, and that’s a good thing.

small disagree. SOME player wants are given, and many of those are done in a zero sum way. People who wanted group loot got their wish in some content by blizzard completely removing personal loot for everyone, so those who think that is a better system lost out completely. There’s been a few issues like that where one groups demands get met in a way that takes away weirdly from others.

High Elves? Nah. High Pandaren? Hell yeah.


don’t worry if another horde race that gets added becomes really popular I’m sure some people on the alliance will beg for that as well.


High Elves
Dark Elves
Wood Elves

Oh wait…