Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

What??? The echo Isles fully belong to the trolls. That is their capital.

That does not mean Blizzard has not talked about it internally/will not change it in the future. In fact, alot of things asked for by players dont get public acknowledgements until after the fact/they make a decision.

Because the faction divide/the factions will still exist it will not render the demand moot.

I mean if someone dropped a nuke on you and then planned on giving another weapon of mass destruction to a tyrant you would also take the gloves off.

And Jaina actually did restrain herself for the most part and only jailed the blood elves, at least those that didnt resist.


That isn’t a capital.

So we’re in the realm of pure conjecture now I see? The complete absense of evidence is proof?

From what I’ve seen people have been pushing for an end to factions because they feel it’s completely run it’s course and is inhibiting the game. Beyond that it would help to deal with a diminishing player base.


It is.

That is literally how they do stuff. As an example people have been asking for Visage toggle for worgens and Blizzard has never addressed said concerned and yet boom, next patch we are getting it.

Silence does not mean Blizzard is not taking our feedbacks.

And Blizzard has said factions are not ending. Alot of the old barriers for play will be but asthetics and value wise it will stay.


It isn’t.

The part that you’re missing is that they already did listen to the decade+ of feedback.

It’s how you got Void elves. And then more customizations.

Expecting them to go beyond that and just put the high elves in at this point is about as likely as horde getting Naaru.

To quote a scholar of our time:


I love the Farside.


Or they will change their mind/will add. I have played WoW long enough that even fundamental things can change.

It is. The echo isles are their home city/capital.


So what was the point of this thread again?
It’s obviously not about Elves or anything because it seems to be just 2 people arguing on varioius alts on their accounts. Or well, one person, switching to argue with itself.

Before we add anything new in regards to more races, can we atleast finish the placeholder races and features of those races?

I too have played wow for a very long time and seen how they respond to player demands. It typically plays out like what happened with the Rendorei: not exactly what you wanted.

It isn’t. It lacks any of the functionality of a true capital. Like it’s a very large settlement for the DST but that’s about the length and breadth of it.


This. You’d need to write out factions or “demote” them to the level of relevancy of FFXIV’s Grand Companies (not relevant at all outside of political/world-threatening events they can actually participate in) for the demand to become moot.

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I would love to see more time and effort put into the extent races in the game; Like the void elves could easily get some good stories going involving them and their research into the void or high elves becoming rendorei.


It is their capital lorewise/story wise. Which unlike say the high elves, they do not have, even functionally or lorewise.


Nah, High Elves deserve to be playable. Them being the untainted elves is a unique niche as they found a way to survive without Fel, Sunwell, Naaru, or Void. That’s a victory story right there as unlike the others, they beat their addiction.

Wildhammer should have been an allied race. Just like Dark Iron are. The “roleplay” option they got is a few tattoos.


and hair feathers.


I never understood blizzard logic, “there isnt enough high elfs for them to be playable” ok but somehow a few BE mages that played with void made enough of a population to justify them as a whole race?

I really wish it was the broken ngl


Just to reiterate:


Isn’t Void Elves like High Elves but without their own starting zone and capital faction?

Following this logic you could easily argue that there are a half dozen high elf nations each with their own capital.


That is not how capitals/nations works. Either ingame or in our world.

  • Ay man, open up the tree fort I got the silverleaf.

Wuh… Who is it?

  • It’s me, man! Dave, the elf.


  • Dave the elf! C’mon man, open up the tree fort I think the guards saw me.


  • Yeah, man! Dave, the elf!

Dave’s not here.
:man_elf::herb: :elf:

/Sharp whistle.
Boy howdy, those sure are some high elves.

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Sure it does.

Like seriously: every metric that people would use to qualify something as a capital as opposed to a settlement in WoW is absent from Echo Isles; It has no auction house, no barber, no guild bank, no proffesion halls, no districts, no walls, heck it isn’t even a flight point hub.

What it does have, is a bunch of people living there, but the high elves have multiple locations that fit that criteria hence why we have to accept that either

A: This whole schtick about the high elves being “homeless” is nonsense


B: The high elves have a capitol.


C: The trolls are homeless.