Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

we agree on that, at least :slight_smile:


I agree, Alliance should of gotten Broken Draenei and never gotten the Blood Elf model at all.

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Oh I want Void as a third spec soo bad for DH! :sob:
Maybe even add Nightborn in there with the Void Elves too… Maybe Void/Arcane dps spec…?

Either way DH third spec is long over do… (IMO)
Heck, seeing Druid having 4 spec… I say all classes are due for another spec, but I be ok with just having the 3th for DH and even for Evoker when ever that happens.


big void wings.


I want every class to get a new spec (minus druids)
I just want to be able to play my main role (tank) on my other toons (evoker, warlock, mage, priest)


mage taaank, ftw. taunt is arcane explosion… mwahaha


Well then there you go. If there are so few High Elves around, how could they possibly be a playable race? Some other type would have to go back to repopulate the High Elves.

I have had a change of heart. I think folks should have the options they need to live out there RP fantasies. I don’t care for it but sure why not?

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i keyed in on the assimilated part and asked myself, what is an assimilated elf. a half elf of course.

here was one of the high/half elf concepts an artist came up with just after void elves were released. the alliance players who wanted playable high elves as an allied race were not happy with void elves. even worse, once a void elf was fully geared they looked identical to blood elves. though high elf fans wanted the blood elf look, they didnt want to be a copy/paste. so an artist came up with this concept, composed of features from night elves, blood elves and humans (and a hairstyle from nightborne)

click to view larger version


so just humans with long ears


Well there again you are assuming that the forums are a balanced and unbiased set of reactions to the issue.
They are not.

Internet forums tend to be largly biased in favor of people who have something to complain about. If people like something they may ask questions about it in the forums but they are not going to rant, in mass, about how wonderful it is.

What Blizzard can do is look at the statistics and see how pupular any given type is, how many people are playing it. A while back I saw some numbers saying that Blood Elves were the most popular race in the game. Not sure if that’s still the case but I’d be curious to see how Void Elves are doing.

And stuff taken from literally every race, lol.

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night and blood elves too. for example, the females actually have wrists. human females dont. their forearms end abruptly at their palms.


Druids have a 4 spec and have even customizations for their transformation… I think that should be a spread to any class that have a similar theme of transformative FX or visuals. (IMO)

I just really like at least DH had such treatment with his Meta, to customize in Barber shop.
Even Shadow Priest who have to always stay in their Void Form and even have a short transformation should get access to some form of visual options. (IMO)

WoW Blizz team if anything they prove over the years is that they can do anything with this game if it really wanted… and seeing/playing other “smaller” MMO have already added new Specs, skills books or Elite Spec to their existing classes…

Creating a new spec be it Tank, Healer or DPS is nothing… (IMO)

assimilation. :smile:

I like your models, they look really good. Question is, would there be a demand for them? Right now Horde players can pick Blood Elves and Alliance players can pick Void Elves. So the question they have to answer, are there enough people who feel Blood/Void Elves are not High Elves?

Maybe there are but are there enough to support two more elf classes, High elves for Horde and High Elves for Alliance? Because you know if they only did one the High Elf fans for the other would be upset.

personally, i want high/blood elf models but with all new animations and poses so they look like high elves but dont look like blood elves. lets say you’re full geared, players would be able to tell you arent a blood elf, cause you stand/pose and animate different, and totally different hair.


From being in the developer position for my entire career I can say it all comes down to one thing. Do the busines people feel there is enough of a demand to tell the developers to add those animations instead of doing something else on the list?

lets hope so but if not, as long as velfs get more hairstyles, i’ll be satisfied. not ecstatic but satisfied. personally, i think belf players would be happy not to see mirror images of themselves, which is what would happen if we had different poses and animations.


I wonder, are most Void Elves being played by Alliance players who want something that looks like Blood Elves or Blood Elves players that want something they can play in Alliance areas?

I’m in the latter group.