Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

i dunno it just sounds like you’re not very good at RPing


This was literally the reason that the Rendorei got a whole bunch of new options for appearances that downplayed the void aspect of the race.

The response from those same players was almost immediately that they needed to petition blizzard to change the name of the Void elves to High elves.

It’s one of the reasons I have so little patience with Helf enthusiasts.


so when void elves finally get paladins, as soon as they approach the cathedral, the greeter will ask them to get out lol i’m playing my priest and wander over to check first aid trainer. the greeter dude says, uh you’re in the wrong place missy, go away weirdo (paraphrased). i did a double take. i’m a priest you dingbat. ah well.


well how long ago did the helf mages of the kirin tor, teach humans magecraft?

I’ll restate something I said earlier in this thread:

The game and your imagination should work in tandem, not against each other. Rolling a void elf and being told to pretend to be a high elf is the game and your imagination being at odds with each other because you want to be one thing and the game is telling you you’re another.


Well, at a TTRPG table everything is tailor-made for the players, so I don’t know what kind of RP you are talking about :man_shrugging:

I think if the RPG requires you to ignore it to RP then it’s not a good RPG.


Thousands of years ago, but the humans (100 apprentices-to-be) came to Quel’thalas as part of the elves’ bargain for Arathor’s help in Troll Wars, not the other way around.

The first time the elves come to them (to Arathor) was when the mages started using so much arcane magic that they were putting rifts in reality, letting demons through, and feared that they’d all be murdered by the fearful peasantry if things got any more out of hand. At which point the elves simply sent a very small council (~6 mages) to help. And they didn’t even stay full-time.

Again, high elves are not going to be genetically distinct from blood elves even if you somehow tried to find a weird outlier of a high elf who was somehow isolated for thousands of years. The changes were already made.

I’m pretty sure the elves were the ones who turned to the humans for help against the trolls in exchange teaching them magic and it was after Dalaran was having trouble with the rifts that they turned to the elves for advice.


i’ll take your word for it, for now. i havent looked as deeply into the timeline as would be necessary to understand it all. i know alodi was the first guardian of tirisfal and he was half elf (sure doesnt look like it)

yeah timeline is swiss cheese lol

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I said it before and I’ll say it again, if you don’t like the cathedral dialogue stop going there, legit there’s no reason to even go there anymore since they removed trainers being relevant and rolled first aid into tailoring.


Just make a night or blood elf and smoke a bunch of weed. A high elf is born.

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? shes pretty elfy.

That’s because nothing is ever enough for them unless it’s literally a 1/1 copy/paste of Blood Elves to Alliance because they have to have a blue background, even I’m not a fan of them wanting anything anymore because they seem ungrateful of anything they get and just complain more and more and more about getting said copy/pastes for Void Elves despite it being exactly what they asked for.


I kinda like that actually… Helps fill the odd hole in why they changed differently than other Highborne.

Though I think Chronicle says they lost their Violet hues over the trip to the EK.

Would be a neat little change.

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Well the assumption you are making is that their mistake was not realizing that you are the ultimate authority on right and wrong and they forgot to ask for your guidance.

So do you own over 51% of the Activision/Blizzard stock? The reason I ask is that if you don’t, then you are not the ultimate authority on right and wrong for the WoW product.

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i thought of them of being unsure of themselves and their place in the world, so would look a bit sad and defeated, that place you would get to when your kin have become your enemies, and half your friends have already been murdered and raised as undead.

I’ve never heard Ion say this but then I don’t watch all his interviews. Do you have evidence that he feels this way about void elf animations and that he didn’t just leave it to someone further down the management chain to decide?

so your theory is that a true RPG has no rules or constraints at all?

i can show up at your 3800 AD space-battle TTRPG table with a character sheet describing my character as an 1830s gunslinger type with a horse named Sal and twin colt peacemaker revolvers and any dialogue you as the GM create that suggests maybe my character is out of place is a problem with the game??

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Priest-RP is a reason, RP players are player to.