Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

The last time they made any real sort of appearance was in Legion. They were a non-factor in BFA, and what I’ve done of the Shadowlands quests didn’t use them either. That doesn’t mean they’re blended in, and instead it means they’re not being used in the story at the moment.

Every appearance they’ve made has been as a collective, which is why I don’t agree with your claim that they be treated as outliers.


Isn’t that just high elves in general, not SC?


I would argue that the High Elves had a notable military presence in BfA too. Surrounding the Alliance warship in Boralus, we have Yvera Dawnwing, Frostfencer Seraphi, and Alleria. Of the soldiers in that area, we have a ton of humans, a ton of Night Elves, several dwarves, 2 gnomes, 2 LF draenei, 2 Pandaren, 1 draenei, 1 void elf, and King Greymane in human form. Funny that the High Elves are the 4th most numerous military force shown here.

Also, on the Arathi Warfront airship, the mages are High Elves. They’re the go-to race for Alliance mage NPCs. While not shown in crazy numbers, High Elves had a larger military presence in the warfronts than most of the playable Alliance races. That’s significant.

It’s also worth noting that Shadowlands only included a handful of characters we know from Azeroth, and of those, they included both Vereesa and Alleria. I know it’s because they’re Sylvanas’ sisters, but it’s just funny how we can’t go 1 expansion without including High Elves, even when there’s only about a half a dozen Alliance NPCs used (Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande, Greymane, Taelia, Alleria, and Vereesa)


Once again.

Blood Elves are Blood Elves. The Alliance don’t want Blood Elves.

They want the High Elves. The main allied race that has been a key and important Ally that has helped us in every major war in WoW. The same race that didn’t change dramatically and become Horde.


I want all of the elves.

Also let more people be Lightforged. Turalyon is a Lightforged human, why not more?


The way Lightforged was added was odd as we’re shown that anyone can be Lightforged if they’re dedicated enough and pass the test.


you’re looking in to it WAY too deep if you think that a minor aesthetic like that will pull you completely out of character.

when you can have 80% of your appearance look like a High Elf, I believe you’re pretty much set and at some point you have to accept that the remaining 20% isn’t happening in this life time.



And the likelihood of story showing more characters like Lanesh returning to Quel’thalas is valid to ask for.

As long as no one is diminishing the validity in that idrc anymore.


Indeed. Back in the day I did agreed Half Elves would have been the best solution. Just a soft retcon that Dalaran has more half elves than previously thought would have worked, IMO.

Also while human/elven offspring is said to be rare, I have always wondered if half elf/half elf offsping could be weirdly the opposite. And in a city like Dalaran where human and elves have co-habitated for almost 3k years, the opportunity was definitely there.

Shame they haven’t done anything with that.

But as things are right now after the introduction of Void Elves, IMO it makes more sense that the Thalassian Exiles on the alliance would gather under one banner so part of me feels the Half Elf train kinda departed.

I do think they could work as a neutral race depending on Dalaran’s future. A lot of that potential offspring could have been sired by current Blood Elves and/or sided with the Sunreavers through the different conflicts.

And that justification is a gameplay/aesthetic one, not a lore one. The disingenuous part comes from still trying to give that lore justification.

I would have a lot more respect for your opinion if you admitted that the lore is not the issue here, but your argument that racial aesthetics should have exclusivity. I would not agree with that, but at least is completely subjective.

It is funny, cause when one is indeed both and advocates for High Elves on the Alliance, one gets called a fake Blood Elf fan hehehe. Also got called fake HE fan for thinking maybe BE should have blue eyes after all and that HE don’t need Paladins.

Above all, I just can never understand using faction loyalty to deny others players a better gameplay experience, simply on the grounds of “no, this is only mine and you can’t have it” with a race that lorewise, exists in both factions.


well it would solve the velfs cant be paladins issue. you select velf, an alternate quest is available in the rift, to cleanse void. if you select it, you’re sent back to customizations/character creation screen, locked out of velf customizations, receive belf or similar racials, and have helf customizations only, also, npcs dont treat you like a velf. now you can be a pally without going boom, but you start as velf so no new racial slot needs to be used and no new starting area.


It’s not just that.

They aren’t High Elves. Nothing about them IS High Elves save maybe looking close to one. Their entire persona and culture is about the Void. They even have a voice filter and nearly all their lines establish them being Void Elves and fanatics. There is even a line that outright tells the player that they aren’t High or Blood Elves - they’re Void Elves.


I mean, I can use my Mag’har, that comes from Draenor, as a stand in for my Outland Mag’har.

Yes, using a VE to represent a HE is not perfect for all the reasons above, but we already do have a lot, so much that adding a new HE AR would make little sense at this point of time.

I feel it’s a far more worthy endeavor to ponder how the VE storyline could include remaining High Elven populations, maybe add a couple accommodations for personal immersion.


It’s just not correct in the Elf case.

The Mag’har are still Mag’har, just a different timeline/universe. Nothing changed between them and the only reason they used WoD version cuz WoD is more up to date than Outlands/TBC. Course this came at the cost of hurting Yrel’s character.

Void Elves, Blood Elves, and High Elves are different enough from each other and they are very particular on being called the correct name. That and Void Elves and the Alliance aligned High Elves HATE the Blood Elves.


I’ve sometimes thought that it would have been neat if they’d gone the route that Elder Scrolls had in that regard. A place where elves and humans had married and had kids and those kids had had kids and so on until most of the city (Dalaran) was half elf half humans.

Always enjoyed that aspect of the Bretons in Elder Scrolls.


I mean, Half-Elves aren’t really a thing (as they’re so rare and never got fleshed out) but at least we have Mok’Nathal as a proof of concept. Still odd to me that they aren’t an Allied race yet.

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I think that it’s a waste of gameplay resources and an aesthetic ones as the appearance was already available. So that the thin story cover that people give does not justify the dead end of repeating gameplay assets with little change. You know, the point you made here. Not only is the lore for them really thin, it doesn’t come close to making up for the waste it is from a gameplay view.


allied races were never meant to be lore heavy. nightborne is the only race that has some real history. an argument could be made for mechagnomes having lore but not much as gnomes in general are like orphans when it comes to dev attention.

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Blood Elves are High Elves, legit all you and others are asking for is a 1/1 copy/paste of the existing Blood Elf race on Horde to be put on Alliance so you have a blue background instead of a red background.

At this point you are being just as disingenuous as a lot of other people I’ve seen in threads like this one.


A waste would imply it wouldn’t be popular or utilized.

High Elves would easily be a Top 5 race despite Blood Elves and Void Elves existing. Thus it would be a massive pay off for not having to do anywhere near as much work as say making a race like Naga playable which wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular as High Elves.


i apologize on sardorim’s behalf. he’s just trying to make the point that blood elves call themselves blood elves. void elves call themselves void elves and high elves call themselves high elves. he’s being erm, over the top, due to lore suggesting they arent the same anymore, but if anything void elves are the most removed as they havent undergone the healing ritual that blood elves did

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