Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

While it’s questionable to us, the Horde not “rising up” is consistent. The Horde is a dictatorship that hinges on the character of the warchief. Horde players even take the oath of service to the Warchief (that states they will follow the warchief’s orders without question) at the start of the Borean Tundra questline. The reason the Horde Council came about is likely because the writers realized the narrative issues the warchief is causing. Ignoring that without a warchief, they technically can’t call themselves a Horde.

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And we all saw how badly that worked out for them after Thrall abandoned them.

Kinda wish they’d have one further issue occur that gets them to shift into having a Warchief but also keeping the Council to be able to keep the Warchief from going too far.

Funnily enough, they had their chance at this with Garrosh. Had Thrall recognized the red flags (that he didn’t made him look terrible), he would have placed Vol’Jin, Saurfang and Baine in a sort of council that could veto the warchief. This would challenge Garrosh and force him to grow up because I feel he needed some legit adversity to develop.

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Things we’re currently denied as people who want the full high elf experience:

  • We turn purple against our will in combat.

  • Our voice is some messed up filtered British sounding weirdness. We want either the blood elf voice lines or something that fits with the WC3 voice lines spoken by the high elves there.

  • NPCs, particularly the greeter priest at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind react to us with unease as void tainted heretics. As an RPer this is very frustrating and immersion ruining.

  • We cannot play Paladins, leaving us to only death knights or warriors if we want to wear plate (and for those of us who don’t want to RP a fallen, broken person of a character that leaves us only warriors). Also means those of us who want to xfer entirely from Horde to Alliance and have Belf Paladins cannot do so in terms of making them high elves.

  • And a minor quibble of course is that our character race shows as void elf in quest text, NPC responses, character frame, etc. I change the one in my tooltip with the TRP addon as an RPer but it would be nice for non-RPers to be able to present as the race they wish.

I don’t care how Blizzard does it but they need to do it in a way that people who currently play void elves don’t need to spend more money race changing to fix the problem. I think a barber shop solution that enables you to choose the kind of elf you play as (and locks you to certain look choices appropriate to that) would be best.


Not to mention the Voice lines and filter.



whoever did that did a great job. look at the little fingers lol perfect photoshop. but i agree with the sentiment of helfers as far as the cathedral greeters are concerned. here we asked to play helfs, who woulda been fine in the cathedral, and instead we got critters from the void who get the dk treatment every time they get near the entrance of cathedral


Yeah, they did line it up well. (also, tardigrades are pretty amazing little critters)

As to the complaints, I mean they are things, but you can find just as much stuff of that level for all the races. I mean, every race just has one pair of voices so everyone’s out of luck if they don’t match their personal vision of their characters. Blizz also isn’t always the best at making alternate NPC dialogues when it might apply to some races.

We’re never gonna get perfect races that line up with the personal fantasies that we apply to our own characters.

playing blood elf females use to drive me crazy when they were in combat. it seems like the devs toned it down now but it use to be this horrible screeching sound. void elf females have a toned down version. i dont mind it as much now. i also like void elf british accents. but the cathedral thing bugs me, alot.


That’s not entirely true

Lots of actual High Elf fans like myself play the playable high elf race that’s been in game since 2007, that you’re unhappy we’re horde, and our heritage quests being the latest example re affirm our status as the playable high elf option is neither here nor there.

Player agency exists for you to have the tools necessary on Alliance, VEs total out at 3 distinct visual themes, why do BEs not have access to void options?

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well you got violet eyes but dunno if thats a velf exclusive. probably isn’t. pretty much everything velfs and belfs have as far as skin, eye and hair colors go, are from humans, though it looks entirely different on us because of the eye glow/and or lack of sclera. anyway, i am not a gatekeeper. if you want velf stuff on belfs, thats fine with me. just ask a dev on twitter, as that seems the best way to get their attention

Blood Elves also wouldn’t have Void options because their culture isn’t accepting of the Void which is why Void Elves are on the Alliance in the first place. They should absolutely have Light themed options that can be recolors of the Void options.


You’re playing a Blood Elf - not a High Elf.

Did you miss what your Prince said in Warcraft III?

You also don’t have Void options because again - you’re a Blood Elf and not a Void Elf.


Didn’t want high elves to begin with. Don’t want em still.

A lot of the people that do want them have been hella toxic on the forums so I just want to deny them it because of it


I think having light as our added cosmetic theme would be terrible for the blood elves and the void elves.

We need to be separated. If we are bound in a relationship of light and dark the void elves will never become their own thing and grow.

“Lightforged” blood elves would be as big of a butt pull as void elves were. Let’s also not take from the lightforged draenei.

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Eh, I’d have rather Lightforged been a customization option for all the races instead of getting them as an allied race, so if they did that, I wouldn’t care personally.


Regarding the people that want Void Elf Void Paladins- I hate to disagree, but here’s the thing:

Paladins in WoW are by definition, holy warriors. They are hybrid knights that use holy magic to heal, bless, and purify. Void and light are opposites, and thus not perfect substitutions for each other. Void does not heal, bless, or purify. Void is vampiric and it corrupts. Void and light can coexist (so I think a regular void elf holy paladin could work), but void can’t perfectly fill in for all the things the light does. You really can’t have a void paladin; that would be a void knight and be a totally different class. It would essentially be a battle mage that uses void magic.

If they ever added battle mages or spell breakers, I think it would be awesome to have a void spec. As a whole new class, it would be a great addition. As a visual variant only added in order to try to ‘justify’ the paladin class for a race, not so much.

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Ask a disc or shadow priest and enjoy being wrong?

Soldier, Armor, Weapon, Wields power.

Don’t see a difference between them.


Which shadow spells do disc priests use to heal, bless, or purify? Those moves are holy. Shadow damages. Same with shadow priests, except there are some vampiric shadow moves. Life drain isn’t the same thing as regular healing.

Is that not a vast oversimplification of the class? By that logic, death knights and paladins are the same thing.

The aspects of a paladin that use holy magic to damage can be substituted with void magic. However, a big part of what makes a paladin a paladin is its ability to heal, and that cannot be done with void. A void paladin would be missing over 1/3 of its spells.

Void can also do things that the light can’t do, so it would be a waste to add some cool void knight class that’s limited to paladin abilities.

I just don’t think it makes any sense. I’m all for a new void knight class though.