Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Humans/forsaken and High Elves/Blood Elves are probably the closest linked.
The dwarf clans seperated way too long ago and each established their own homes.

Humans and Forsaken both have a place in Lordaeron, as one example. Some of the humans being from Lordaeron but managed to escape the scourge, the forsaken being former humans who lived in Lordaeron, among other places.

The High Elves, in large part, did forsake their home though. The Silver Covenant did not return to QUel’thalas with Kael’thas when they head about the catastrophy. The only High Elves who could have a reasonable claim to belonging in Quel’thalas, would be the Quel’lithien High Elves.

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I’d only be able to accept this if I can actually have my dream race/class combos of Tauren Warlock and Kul Tiran Warlock because neither of them can be Warlocks yet and I’m super salty about it because Highmountain Tauren Warlock and Kul Tiran Warlock both fit.

i’m surprised this isnt already a thing


420 elves when?

Omg this!

It bothers me so much that they’re still together after that.


this is like expecting americans whos ancestors were from europe, to go back to europe to live because europe was invaded by a maniac. the closest you get to that is armies going to help liberate them, like ww2. and id say both alliance and horde took down arthas.


The Silver Covenant are not descendants. High Elves live for at least 3000 years… 7000 years because some writers appearantly screw up when they write their stories.


relations. in timeline, some high elves moved to dalaran. they became sunreavers and kirin tor, made friends and family and called dalaran home. then the sunreavers fractured, some followed kael, some went to quel’thalas and some stayed in dalaran. became silver covenant.

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Sunreavers did not exist before the scourge attack on Quel’thalas.
The Sunreavers were also High Elves who remained in Dalaran.

Those who followed Kael’thas to Quel’thalas, either stayed in Quel’thalas to help fight off the scourge remnants, or they went with Kael’thas back to the ruined Dalaran, tried to rebuild it, and got prosecuted along with Kael’thas and escaped along with Kael’thas to Outland.


this is not what i recall from my reading. but thats not hard to believe, i’m old and ye olde noggin drops data frequently to make room for new data.

really? where’s this info? how did any helfs survive to form silver cov in dalaran then??

You tell me.

Blizzard actually never explained what the hell happened there.

In Warcraft: Frozen Throne, we see Kael’thas and those elves who followed him, along with the remnants of the Lordaeron Alliance, fighting to keep and rebuild Dalaran. Kael’thas was discovered to be working with Naga, after the general Garithos attempted to kill him and the Blood Elves off by using them for suicide missions (aka, I’ll take your troops, Kael’thas, and expect you and your elves to fight off a huge force of undead coming your way, with nothing).

Garithos charged the blood elves with treason for receiving aid from Vashj and the Naga, and wanted to execute them. The Naga came to their rescue and they fled. Then comes vanilla World of Warcraft and Dalaran is in a huge dome that no one could enter or leave, supposedly.

So the humans inside and the High Elves inside came from… somewhere, which blizzard never explained.


weird. i thought they were sunreaver remnants who decided not to follow kael’thas, but rather stay to protect their friends and family in the alliance. cause clearly, if you lived amongst them for 2000 years, you’re not gonna just abandon them

He’s lucky my elf isn’t the archer he married. Avarie would have turned him into an arrow holder.


Actually, you could be right that the Sunreavers predates the Third War. It is just that Aethas Sunreaver is stated to be young, and the Sunreaver faction is named after him. But being young does not mean a lot, when it comes to elves at the end of the day.

Still not sure where all those elves came from though. THey certainly were not with Kael’thas, otherwise they would have been among the attempted-killed by Garithos and/or in Outland.

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some followed alleria to outlands (see allerian outpost in terrokar forest) and later some followed alleria to argus (presumably, no evidence but logically, she’d have at least a small bodyguard contingent when travelling to a hostile planet).

None of which is actually explored in the game.

At all.

So as far as I know the high elves are perfectly ok with it.

So again: Such nuance, such depth, truly it is of thimblesque volume.

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ion was trying to phase them out when he realized including them in alliance content was just ramping up the requests to make them playable. so it begins that every time they appear, they are destroyed, such as the ones at theramore, the ones who go with veressa to isle of thunder, the quel’lithien lodge high elves. genocide by dev

Ah yes, clearly everything in game now is a perfect rendition of how all the peoples, races, cultures and events have played out and never once has Blizzard been poor in storytelling or world building.


My main interest in void elves (and to some extent, high elves) is more the potential than the actuality.

Because there could be some great stories there, and what exists of lore for them is fraught with possibility. Of course, there’s not a lot of depth to them, but, except for races that have entire zones (or expacs) devoted to them, that’s not unusual.

I mean, Darkspear trolls are in my top 4, and they only get story on rare occasions when Blizzard can’t avoid it.


Right? Just because Blizzard has so far failed to explore the potential of a race or culture doesn’t mean its not there and that its not interesting.

Half my stories for my toons explore territory Blizzard has only touched on.