Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Because in this case “homeless” is referring to them not having their own country. And this is the nomenclature the forums have used. Night elves are still homeless Blizz

And you dont get to decide what is or what isn’t a “waste of time” either.

Sigh, could you at least get the lore right:

To make matters worse, the high elves of Silvermoon brusquely rescinded their allegiance to the Alliance, stating that the humans’ poor leadership had led to the burning of their forests during the Second War. Terenas fought back his impatience and quietly reminded the elves that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have remained if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who’d given their lives to defend it. Nonetheless, the elves stubbornly decided to go their own way. In the wake of the elves’ departure, Gilneas and Stromgarde seceded as well.

Quel’thalas was the one who abandoned the Alliance first.

That was Garithos doing. Most of the Alliance didn’t even know about it/condemned Garithos.

Lother’mar tossed out anyone in his city who didn’t want to suck mana like a vampire. Which happens to be every high elf(that happens to be their defining trait afterall). Even he wanted to apologize/try to make amends to high elves in his short story.