Elemental Vs Enhancement

I am trying to decide between elemental and enhancement to main as in dragon flight. Any thoughts from other shamans?

What content are you interested in? Mythic+ ? Raiding? Arena? Solo shuffle? Rbgs?

All of the above. I like to do all content and don’t mind getting different sets and changing specs as needed.

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Both are good …

You have to choose if you prefer being a melee or a caster.

I PvP with ENH and i’m having a blast , always 10 kill or so every BG 8-12mil damage.

Ele is the same , crazy damage , ranged , super burst , but lack defensive in pvp.

ENH , low sustain dmg , one shot burst , melee , glass canon , good healing ,

I just enjoy more ENH but when I fight a ELE im scared XD

I am learning enhance. Seems super complicated in its rotation. Using different abilities based on what procs.

Shamans RN are not S tier class , they are A tier ELE and ENH on same level to me for PvP.

for PvE IDK.

I do more pve than pvp.

Play both early and figure out which you like. You can play both competitively as long as they don’t gimp gear by making you choose 1 piece/week again

Always enhance. Forever.

Shaman is trash do not play it. Do monk and enjoy the game or join the sad club

Enhance is also A tier in PvE, which tbh is a really good spot.

Careful with rolling FotM, the good times don’t last forever

Shaman always gonna be trash it is a reality of this game. One class must be shaman and lose to everyone

Lol imagine being so bad at a class that you keep flaming the forums fishing for validation. We get it, sHaMaN bAd. Enjoy the eventual Monk nerfs.


Not seeing the issues is the problem of shaman forum. They gave you trash which a little bit less stinky and you eat it gladly. I will just reroll from this class. It was for too long of waiting and what we get? Any other class can just shut down shaman. I’m sorry do you kill some1 else in pvp except shaman? Just look at the other classes they are like shaman but better. I do not understand what you people like about this class. Bright abilities? Healing surge heals for 50k with 5 stack. Also look at the ascendance…

Again, we get it, you’re terrible at playing a Shaman. You are entitled to your objectively wrong opinion.


I did not bully you. Why you saying that?

can anyone in the “ELE IS AMAZING JUST SHUT UP” camp back that up with actual data, or nah?


The issue per usual is what are we talking about?

Ele Casual
Ele World’s First
Ele 1800 and I’m happy
Ele arena invitational

Lighting focused ele does a lot of dmg. Not sure why everyone is hating on it so badly.

My thought, is it takes like 50x more nuance to play a lightning build than like just about any other build.

Demo lock summons his pets, presses hand of guldan and has his pet spin in a circle. And wow 85k dps

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