Elemental Vs Enhancement

what makes you say its trash? I did all 8 mythics this week and I was 1st or 2nd on the meters every run. The only times I lost overall was due to having one of the broken classes in my group (demo/fury) is it damage you don’t like on shaman? whats up?

Ele is so going to get nerfed again and again in PVP. Sorry arena peeps. You cannot let Ele free cast in PVP or its is a massacre.

Because it isn’t slinging meatballs everywhere. Whenever a lightning heavy spec comes up as the best spec a group starts crying and complaining until it gets nerfed. Thankfully the fire build is competitive. The fire aoe build is just not very pug friendly. While the lightning build is easy to use when simplified a little.

There is a couple version that can be a lot less nuance to play. Just drop IF and Electrified shocks all together. That is next level big brain shaman stuff. Especially when paired with EleBL.

I prefer this one: It has 3 points in Shaman tree to play with( and 1 point in Ele tree to play with. It does get EotGS which I prefer, especially with LR. It slows a bit in ST but I don’t mind. Simple and straight forward, Only hard part is to Tab/mouse over a different target without LR when using ES.

On humongous pulls you could go as far as to just ignore EotGS and SoP and just spam as many EQs as you can to maximize LR, its that forgiving. Plus LB/CL reduce the CD of SE and SK making it even more forgiving. I am currently gearing Crit/Vers

Elemental Shaman Dragonflight Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Here is a little more ST friendly, losing EotGS and your extra 1 point in Ele Tree to pick up EleBL with LR and EE. Still amazing AoE dmg plus having EleBL. Still have those 3 free points in Shammy tree


Elemental Shaman Dragonflight Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Freecasting isnt the issue. I never open a cast bar in pvp, except for once in a blue moon for icefury.

Eles fire build doesnt cast. Its not about interrupting the sham, its that we have no defensives.

which i yelled about during beta and you clowns told me elemental warding pre nerf was WAY OVERPOWERED and that astral shift was the best defensive cooldown in the game

I mispoke by saying “free casting”. If someone isn’t sitting me constantly, “tunneling the blue” my dmg is pure bonkers. I went SK and skipped IF. The PotM/SoP buffed SK LBs are nuts. So the only thing I cast is SK/hex.

However with a healer and using my speciation totems I survive okay. Granted we are talking about randoms and not arena.