Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Yeah, we’ll just get a forum suspension for 3 days if we do that.

we will make 2000 if needed

Don’t stop people post

Welp, We are at 800 and some fourm posts.

800 of YOUR CUSTOMERS -ignored.
800 people who provided feedback LIKE YOU CONSTANTLY ASK US TO - Ignored.
800 people who LOVE your game - ignored.
800 people who’s spec was DECIMATED, and came to the forums find out why - Ignored.

Yeah, and 10.0 is going to be SOO different. My left cheek.

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oh weird still no response

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By the way everyone, my re-roll class of choice after these unfounded nerfs to ele has been a frost mage. Do you know how that plays? The bis leggo is slick ice, which you pair with icy veins. With full stacks of slick ice (easy to get) your frost bolts are literally 0.5-0.7 seconds and you just spam the hell outta them. Sound familiar??? What a joke.


poor game design we can tolerate… (to some extent)

this is just poor customer service.

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every1 else got caught up with their 4 pieces n now do 2k dps more than me on raid bosses :frowning: bummer

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One would think that with all the mistakes they have made, they would have learned not to ignore their customers. :man_facepalming:
But on the other hand now we have a “Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer”, uff now we are saved… :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Make it 1k

After playing with the 4 piece for a few weeks, I can understand the stacks being reduced to 10.

But why do stacks reset on extension? The way storm ele plays is that you need to decide if you want to dismiss and resummon for your ability CD or not… it feels so bad.

Please let the stacks continue, or reset the ele ability!

Hello Kaivax? What are you gonna do after this expansion when we lose tier? Will you revert the nerfs or will we be ignored like this thread?

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I will be here until 1k

unlikely :frowning:

Kaivax have any response to the community of elemental shaman players that seem to be in unison that this was a horrible change and needs to be reverted? Using “Accessibility” concerns for one OPTIONAL talent choice while not addressing other classes and specs and talents/conduits that have real accessibility issues is seriously insulting to the elemental community. Apparently your SILENT message is that its ok for other classes to have 0.5 sec abilities to mash, but not for elemental shaman. Blizzard has the ability to see how fast spells are cast for all specs and classes, and they could look at Warcraft logs if they were really interested in “accessibility” and equality.

Hello Blizzard we are still here

dont you love that MDI and other top players complained about the upcoming BDK nerfs and they change it before live… meanwhile here 700+ responses and blizzard still refused to acknowledge anything :slight_smile:


Still here :frowning:


Elemental shamans need another decent defensive. That will fix pvp at least. Dps is good otherwise.

still here.