Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Now watch with the major destro lock nerfs coming, they will outrage, blizz will “listen” and it will be reverted back to where they do stupid damage.

Yet, elemental is still here, nerfed with their “accessibility problem”


No need for that when they already get compensation buffs unlike ele =)

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They have done that since i first started this game in 2008. They say they listen, but we all know its a lie.

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“Players have reported this is uncomfortable to play.”

I’m gonna need to see the receipts.


They reverted the lock change…

They caved…

… were we not loud enough?!

I’m a bit ashamed to admit but, Damn this actually pisses me off.

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This should seriously piss off the entire playerbase. We never got a response from blizzard (Kaivax or other dev) on how this huge nerf to ele made any sense and why no compensation was given. Ele already depends on having to use 60 maelstrom on 1 target each time you want to buff your next Earthquake, which tanks promptly kite out of. Who else has such a clunky poorly thought design for AOE that it forces you to cast ST abilities to do AOE dmg?


Damn im not one to complain on forums but this was by far the most stupid thing i ever seen blizzard do in terms of “fixing” something

Like flatout brain dead retarded.

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What did I tell you?


Warlocks had no where near the amount of feedback. Yet, it got reverted.

Not surprised though, bliz has done this so much, it’s actually predictable.

You actually called this like you’re from the future…
Does Dragonflight suck in the future!?

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Warlock and Survival hunter class tuning…held off due to time investment of players in those specs…I just…You can’t make this B.S. up if you try.

Surprised Druid isn’t buffed even more than it is. We all know druid is blizzard real Hero Class.

This is actually bs Where as Shamans have been asking for a tank spec and to just to get a change so that we are actually wanted for our dps but nope its resto that shines.

like its not stupid enough that Ele needs COMPLETELY different secondary stats for aoe & ST.

mastery is useless in AOE
and we need to stack mastery for ST.

Poor class design, even worse customer service by “listening”


Remove master of elements talent and make it mastery. After casting LB you next nature spell or frost spell deals % dmg

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Shout out to the mod team for making sure that players who play shaman were heard! Great job with that communication you guys lie about all the time.

where’s our class tuning???

What I fear the most is that in Dragonflight, Blizzard will remain the same and that they will give us a horrible talent tree. :pensive:

Hello, since we’re now getting hold to cast as an accessibility option in Dragonlands, would you reconsider reverting this ?

Original reason for this change was to prevent repetitive strain issues, and it being uncomfortable.

Guys… stop complaining about the Storm Ele Nerf!

Do not forget ALL SHAMAN ASKED FOR IT as the gameplay was just too boring!