Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

same thing happened with multiple specs in BFA to SL, they nerfed because of borrowed power. so no, it will be worse next expansion. chances are youll get the fury warrior treatment and be doing more dmg at lvl 60 with SL gear than at 70 with next expansion all BiS gear.

How does this mega company fail at community management this badly? There are literal start-up games with 5 devs that communicate better with their playerbase than this. Absolute joke.


yep… the 5% is basically saying “we can’t design skills properly, so there you go”


reminder: don’t let this thread die

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pretty sure they are hoping it has already died. 5% is ridiculous. Our ST is already bottom of the pack of all specs. Revert the change to SE please.

I’ve always felt this way about flat buffs to any specialization. A flat buff too damage healing or mitigation always seems like an admission of poor design.

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last time they had good design is in 7.3

can find a use for almost every talent. in SL it’s very obvious there are conduits/talents that don’t make any sense.

example: static discharge.
Living testament to design failure.
Can we like, listen to player feedback and address this??
Like you addressed accessibility issues…



Some people like spamming their buttons, thats why you have the talent system. Anyone with an accessibility issue can play a different talent.

Where is the nerf for Venthyr Balance druid? its almost the same!

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almost a month.

at least its only been a month, shamans have used EoTE since MoP…

hey, at least LvB mattered in MoP…

I’d kill if we can revert back to MoP, or Legion.


I’d be interested in the plan for when 4p goes away.

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Any elemental shaman 2022? no? ok lets go to play warlock demo or sv hunter.

“There are no Ele’s in Bahsingsay” :frowning:

Storm ele still feels awful and slow to play. It’s been a month and the sentiment has not changed.

Still no response? Sad.


lol…here, have an almost-permanent storm ele…

That still walks at 20% movement speed from back when he had a movement buff (that when we removed, we forgot to fix his movement speed).

All of these problems just exacerbate eachother…and they all come down to years of being ignored by the devs.


What is the point of Kaivax posting the changes on the ele shaman class tuning forums but then not responding to the feedback from the elemental shaman community that generally agree this was a horrible change for a poor reason of accessibility, while other classes have more accessibility issues than ele shaman. Not a single developer has addressed the outrage from those of us who have loved elemental shaman and played the spec even when the performance is sub par. Blizzard devs give us a response please and/or revert the changes to storm ele. Now storm ele feels horrible to play. Its just another dead talent like many of our other useless talents. Make storm keeper baseline with 3 charges again or make Ascendence baseline. There are so many improvements that can be made but all our suggestions are falling on deaf ears.


We’ve all switched to enhance right? I find the 4 piece enhance to be just as overwhelming as rapid fire primary nukes… except instead of mouse-wheeling one button I’m smashing multiple buttons at the same time because procs happen faster than the GCD…

Years of ignorance is what we get.
And what this company offers.

Woo! 800+ posts shouting into the void.

At this point we should just make this post into a thread for some super weird sex stuff to force blizz to acknowledge the thread