Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Doing 1 weekly key on my poor shaman in hopes that maybe one day this get reverted or compensated. Best decision I made was swap main this tier after the nerf. Maybe when RWF is over? Maybe 9.2.5? Even if the nerf got completely reverted we’re not competing with the stronger aoe specs but at least it will be fun.

I’m running out of copium please I beg 1 response.

5% , so blesssed

TY for the 5% Aura buff Blizz. In the future, more transparency and some communication would be greatly appreciated.


Listen, you were balanced around a tier set that is delayed in acquisition. You’re certain to have tier by the time the raid is on farm, so what’s the issue?


remember when our bis raiding leggo didn’t come out four 4 weeks because it dropped of world bosses…
remember when as soon as it did come out lava burst got nerfed by the exact same 20% that the leggo buffed it by?


thank god 5% was that so hard blizz jesus

Pepperidge farms remember…

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The 5% damage change does nothing about how awful storm ele feels now in comparison to how it did a month ago. Nor does it address why ele somehow needed a massive aoe nerf in the form of an accessibility change.

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Ugh this is probably the last comment I make on this…

If a 0.6 second cast time is too fast then why aren’t you changing all the other classes that can do it too. I was watching a Havoc DH play on a stream the other day. For half the fight they were getting so many haste procs from hero and other things that their GCD was about 0.5 sec. Why not nerf that too? Wouldn’t that fall under being an accessibility issue? Like you claim here.

Also Venthyr Balance druids they eventually get 0.4 sec cast times.

How about warriors and rouges? They are similar to that DH I saw.

Also Fire Mage when they are in combust you have to press button in between the others isn’t that too fast?

Can’t you see your reasoning here is not sound. And you might try and argue that some of the things I mentioned above is only temporary haste buffs or for mages combust is only a few seconds. But that argument is not valid. Because if you ACTUALLY played the full build before this change you would know that you were barely even casting lightning bolts. You were getting so many lava surge procs and building up maelstrom fast which led to earth shocks which led to more lava surges… whatever… at this point they’re not gonna reply to us they just hope we forget. Which of course we will eventually. :roll_eyes:


Sorry Blizzard. I’d love to be behind you on an accessibility change, but… no. This is not the way.

If you really cared about making WoW’s button-mash gameplay accessible, you would allow holds instead of taps for ability spam. Come on, it’s 2022, and you’re still -requiring- people to play DDR on their keyboards. You should know at this point that a slight reduction in the DDR speed isn’t what is going to make or break accessibility.

Add an option for accessibility to allow button holds to repeat abilities, then revert this change. Prove that you care.


I for one will not be thanking you for the insult you call tuning.

You took roughly 20% -30% damage away from elemental at the last minute all in the name of “accessibility” yet other specs have the same “accessibility” issue with .6 sec cast time and they’re just fine in your eyes.

Then you give back 5% lol. Y’all are delusional.


Wish i Didnt Swap Mains the Changes took too Long

Wonder if we get another 5% if we post 800 more xD

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We must try, for science!

5% buff is an actual joke considering how much dmg we lost from aoe. 50% nerf to speed results in much slower casts, and a much longer time to generate maelstrom to empower our earthquakes. Some people have calculated a 12-14% loss to our single target and 30-50% loss to our aoe dam age. A 5% buff is an insult. Revert the storm ele changes as they were based on a poor excuse that ignores all the other specs that have high casts per minute. Storm ele feels like garbage at 30% haste instead of 60% Even if they reverted the changes AND gave us 5% on top of that we would still get beat on our ST by the top 15 specs. They never should have nerfed Lava Burst damage or the proc rate. We lost our borrowed power of igneous potential after BFA and it was not for the better. Give us our 20 stack storm ele again. The current version actually feels like garbage.


So they give us a buff for poor performance in general and not for our feedback?

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5% sure is fair . /sigh

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glad to see our feedbacks are not being addressed.


how about storm ele doesnt take a full minute to run between packs in m+


Increase the movement speed of storm elemental. Why introduce tier that lets us keep high uptime on it if it cant even reach the next pack before it dies?

Since this issue is due to tier (borrowed power), will you revert the changes next expansion Kaivax?