Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Still here, still very displeased with the consequences of this spec destroying nerf

thought I would ultimately be like “w/e” once I was able to play storm ele with 4pc – was wrong, its still bad/needs undone D:

When they were making this 4 set they were only thinking about the interactions of fire elemental with lava burst.
Since no one on the team actually plays shaman. They just looked at icyveins and saw MOTE build and said: “okur, let’s turn the fire elemental into a CD with borrowed power instead of just making ascendance baseline. cause reasons.”

Then 5 days later they realized that it made Storm Ele nutso and hit the eject button hard…


They nerfed Storm Ele because it’s not “their way of playing”, but with the false excuse they gave us they can’t retract anymore. :man_facepalming:
Apart from the fact that apparently, there is no one in charge of shaman. :expressionless:

I’m Commander Shephard, and this is my favorite thread in the Citadel.


Finally tried ele again after the nerf and I hate it. Storm ele feels super weak now, but its still the only aoe talent on that tier that makes sense. Also still no 4 piece so the nerf just hurts and pushes me to enh resto until I get 4 piece upon which case I will only use ele for places where I need the uncapped aoe that enh has trouble with.

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It feels mega weird to be balanced entirely around a 30% dps increase 4 set, ESPECIALLY if you do not have the 4 set yet.

Then we get a nerf to our one redeeming quality in our AOE through storm elemental, while it was not stated as being a nerf at all (even though it clearly was).

It feels impossible to compete. We need our base kit buffed so we do not rely on borrowed power just to even be thought of being brought to mythic progress. This goes for all future content too, not just 9.2

Please rethink how you consider our spec devs, we want to be JUST as viable as the warlocks, boomies (who are also just the superior hybrid clearly), and mages etc.

Give raids a reason to want Ele Shaman that doesn’t hang on the thread of how good or bad you decide to balance us per tier.

There is 0 reason to bring an ele shaman over any other ranged class to mythic progress if they do not have the 4 piece tier set to compete and it does not feel good at all.

Bring the player not the class was the way to go and should always be the philosophy, so no class/spec ever feels like literally trolling a raid or making the wrong choice.

Please understand where we are all coming from if you ever read this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 16 I continue to communicate the absolute failure by developers to tune this spec in any reasonable way. (Spongebob narrator voice)

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So much for listening to feedback. Over 700 posts of people saying that they don’t like or want this out of no where nerf and in response Blizzard maintains radio silence. Plenty of compromises listed out in this thread too, but again no response. Blizzard’s stubbornness knows no bounds and this is why their game is slowly falling into obscurity as they stick to their anti-player ways. Sad.

“You think you do, but you don’t.” Gee, wonder where this guy is now…oh wait. :zzz:


Bliz: Hey Microsoft, look, we have 700+ replies on our forums…

That’s how active our players are.

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did a +16 theatre with a demolock yesterday. He was at 22-2k average on bosses (opening at 50k) and finished the dungeon with 2x my dmg. Broke any will i had left to play m+

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Hoping to see some changes soon!

Ele’s getting benched in mythic progression left and right.

Yesterday in Mythic Sepulcher there were:

  • 197 Ele logs
  • 1,166 Demo logs
  • 1,255 balance druid logs
  • 466 Spriest logs
  • ~1,000 Mage logs

Blizz…we’re dying here. And you did this to us…despite our feedback from the start of 9.0. Despite our feedback during the PTR. We’ve gone ignored, and you continue to ignore us. And now you nerfed us into a completely trash state.

Why do you refuse to communicate with us, despite communicating with so many other classes/specs? Why is it always elemental shamans? Why should we be trash tier before four piece? Why should we rely on four piece to be competitive when other classes are competitive without it?

What gives?


at least now everyone knows what spec not to play come 10.0 and 9.4. nerfed baseline toolkit because of borrowed power. reminds me of the whole soft-cap being added to stats because of corruption. and prot war being nerfed in shadowlands because of BFA borrowed power. also, fury warrior genuinely doing doing more DPS in BFA than Shadowlands after the lvl squish and everyone getting this BiS from Shadowlands because they forgot to compensate fury for 50%+ of its DPS being borrowed power. you don’t need to be a game developer to understand the basics of knowing how to ballance a game.

also when Boomkin, Spriest, AFF lock’s dots were nerfed back in BFA because “ele shamans dots were doing too much dmg and we dont like the direction it made the game head in” or something like that. for a 2 boss tier…

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yep this is terrible can confirm

In my opinion, even if there was no nerf, 1 to was the limit. I know that liquid has prepared an ele. But echo didn’t like ele, so there was no to, and there wouldn’t be any difference. However, Blizzard thought that there was too much 1 to for ele in the Raid team, so they deleted ele’ 1 to.
Are you satisfied now? Kaivax? Still, I appreciate that you told me not to play ele honestly this time. I have clearly abandoned my expectations for this spec. I hope everyone who reads this reply doesn’t get angry and just quit or do another class. Instead of wasting time.

I think from this point on we should simply pretend Elemental Shamans don’t exist. When ever we refer to Ele we must say “Redacted shamans” instead of Elemental Shamans. We should pretend that shamans only have two specs like DH.

“Can you believe shamans and demon hunters are the only two classes in the game that only have two specializations!? Crazy, right?!”

A friend asks you: “Do you still play Ele shaman anymore?”
The only logical response is: “Shamans only have two specs, resto and enhancement.”

Oh wait… no this would backfire. Blizz would just be like: “Oh they get it now!” and just play along with us xD

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The ele shaman forums: where red headed stepchildren go to die. Not a single official response to possibly the largest nerf in the history of elemental shaman for accessibility reasons, while other classes have the same or worse accessibility. Kaivex you have failed this city.

Can we bring back bonus rolls or increase the drop rate of tier or allow us to buy tier with valor or open up the creation catalyst earlier than April 12/19th? For specs that depend on 2pc and 4pc to be viable and not pure carries, make it easier to obtain. The creation catalyst IS going to be my main way of getting tier, even though it was supposed to only be for bad luck protection. I raid and spam mythic 15’s (for vault) and dont even have 2pc of tier yet, whilst others have 5 pieces.


got my 4 set and double leggo, will be trying a couple builds but i’m not optimistic, this is still awful