Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Still here, Still annoyed.

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I’m aware people are free to express themselves. I’m saying that the “demanding” is hilarious and counterproductive because it distracts from the substance with the whiny delivery.

You say that this is the only way to get their attention? How do you know this and does it appear to be working?

it often doesn’t work but, we have to try i can’t stand on everypost here and say i agree with their delivery but i also don’t know another way to get this reverted, or compensated.

Also thanks for bumping

in all likelihood we will end up waiting until then next tuning round after the mythic race is done. because blizz would rather adjust thier game around popular streamers and guilds than the other 99.999% of thier player base.

and if thats thier models offering a moving target on that count would be unfair


Well, I hope they make elemental whole in the end.

But, I also don’t want this tantrum-model to be rewarded.

I’m conflicted. And I also acknowledge there are many good posts between the tantrums.

Blizzard, do we need thousand of posts to get response?

I believe that either during the race or after he will do something, give us a little more than 100 damage and return the area damage that was nerfed by accident

I just managed to log in yesterday since the new patch dropped … so Ele is bad in every aspect now, PvP, M+ and raiding ??

It’s not great.

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Well that’s just a kick in the pants isn’t it .:joy:

Did some BG’s yesterday , no one seems to be dying anymore . Guess we need the double legendaries to come in to equalize the stamina boost .

still would like to see a better call made here, than to have so deeply affected our out put in the name of rotational accessibility

maybe at 700 theyll respond

only thing that’s quick on this forum is the robot that scans for the F word.

no kidding, they’ll mute you right away.

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can we get like a damage buff on something? lava burst or lightning bolt to make up for it?

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Still waiting for an answer

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Earth shock* lava burst is already too much of a big part if our st dmg

and yet it hits like a wet noodle, it needs to be buffed

Rip ele, it was fun.

nah, at 666, we will get a show of iron maiden

All I’ve wanted from all this is a better explanation why ours is accessibility, but not others. I just want some way to compensate for the fun I was having.


its quite sad to see no answers or responses from devs yet, so gonna keep updating that thread