Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

All the same, we must hope that the developers read us and eat their ideas

Still waiting blizz…stiiiiillll waiting

Attention Everyone. (265Ilv Ele ) Mainly speaking on regards to Mythic Plus After a week Of thinking / adjusting to the Ele Shammies nerf. I have a few Ideas.

  • Change Wind Gust stacks from 10 To 15 ( Does not have to be 20)
    -Make Aftershock Proc Rate From 25% to 35%
  • In some Way Help Our Single Target Lightning Bot/ Lava Burst ( Excluding Tier )
  • StormKeeper to 45 Sec CD from 1 Min
    -Storm Ele to 2 Min Base CD from 2.5 Min
    -Chain Lightning Hits 6 Targets instead of 5
    Over this week I’ve seen Many Changes and it’s Disheartening. Single Target Need help without tier. don’t think getting 4 set as ele will put us anywhere different on Tyranical meta (Mist 1st Boss / TOP / anything with less than 3 target Cleave we Lack. Seeing So many Hunter 2 Pc Burst 100k Consistently, While Ele would be happy to get max Aftershcok Procs to Only do around 60k on Open on Max targets. For 2 or 3 Target Cleave it gets Worse Hunter Trick shots or basically any other class Would do Fine but If the whole instance is Low Pack Mobs we cant do anything but to Consistently Press Chain Lightning to Hope for a After shock Proc to Place Our EQ’s, If any Changes Are going to Be made soon amazing, However if not Id Appreciate a Notice so I can Focus on Other Toons to Reroll.

Here’s the thing…

Even if ele does turn out to be “just fine” in the end, after 4p, after double leggo, etc…

The way that Blizzard went about this was completely wrong for a few reasons.

  • Firstly, they nerfed us at 0p because of the 4p.
  • The reasoning they gave was “accessibility” (AKA you clicked your buttons too fast).

So because of a poorly-designed 4p (that they were given abundant feedback about during the entirety of the PTR), they nerfed our base toolkit, after the fact. This essentially lowered our chances of being in the raid to actually get our 4p.

I don’t think that asking for some communication back / clarification from those in charge is too much, honestly.

I don’t think that calling them out on ignoring us for the entirety of the PTR (as well as now, obviously) is wrong.


Still just want a “thanks for the feedback, won’t be making more tuning changes until after X date though” blue post – so we know if were switch toons or not. Please respond by sometime early tomorrow – we already wasted another week of vault, but if you could respond before next week’s that would be really super dope.


Yep a reply is still needed given the population and performance drop of the spec in the wake of this change that wasn’t related to output

it’s fine in all of those. the change hurts but elemental is still quite viable in all aspects of the game, with a hit to mythic plus single target.

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630 posts of feedback and ZERO Blue posts on The Devs thoughts on said feedback.

Jesus Christ I wish I could do the same at my job. Stick my head in the sand and pretend like I don’t have customers to attend to.

I’m starting to think this is a Dev issue and not a blizzard issue


Watching Naguura (boomkin) right now streaming mythic raid with wrath casts at 0.6 seconds. Seems pretty accessible. How is that different than LB cast at 0.6 seconds?


It’s reset day for the US, now is a good time blizz

can one of the devs say something maybe theyll buff us after RWF sad

I got refused to play with coz I’m shaman and I’m useless like c’mon :frowning: it’s not cool

We. Listen. To. Feedback.

oh look more hotfixes and nothing for shaman :slight_smile:

Abysmal customer service. Respond to the community please.

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silence is the worst thing. at this point just come out and tell us to get bent or something. easier to deal with than being left on read

Blizz you really need to say something, anything. What is the point of the community council and claiming you want transparency and still we have gotten nothing?


Played my shaman for the first time since the nerf yesterday on a +15. 7.2k dps I was by far the lowest dps in the group and I was about 2.5k below my pre nerf numbers… are we just going to continue acting like this isn’t an issue?

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After raiding and doing mythic plus all week, I have to say the nerf isn’t as gloom and doom as It seems.

Yes the 10 stack buff does feel bad, but our aoe is still great, and st isn’t bad especially with 2 st and even better with 4.

I feel we will also gain alot from double legendary. Aoe will be completely bonkers.

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I still don’t understand what happened between 9.0 and 9.2. I skip a patch and Shamans are now trash? This change is also absurd. Boomkins have a 0.6 cast time, how is that not an issue?

Didn’t frost mages get a 20% buff to multiple abilities in 9.0 because of their viability? can we get the same treatment?