Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

I’m pretty positive they’re not going to do anything until the RWF is over unfortunately, which could realistically take weeks for any teams to have any advantage. They are fixing the mythic issues almost immediately and have direct communication with them

I’d be more upset if I hadn’t already given up on pve and the new “lore” being developed by this post-Metzen writing team. Would have honestly quit already.

They just dumpstered enhance in pvp though…I’m sure they’re coming for ele there too if we manage to be strong with tier sets.

reiterating that this change without compensatory buffs is a terrible take.

At this point im doing more damage in a 15 fort week using my single target build. Please bring storm ele back to what it was, this is not fun.


sat there arguing with a fury warrior i know irl, and he says “we got a nerf too”

And this is the reason i posted in community patch notes. A nerf for accessibility that is this crippling too a spec sets a very ugly precident in general for nerfing of classes dps. In principal a change for this purpose should produce no loss in performance.

He also offered up the strawman argument of you’re a hybrid class so you can’t expect to perform as well as pure dps classes. Too which i responded we were no where near an s class top tier dps class/spec. this nerf is absolutley crippling to our M+ and Mythic raiding viability over anyother class.

In the same way that only social ties Guild/personal would get us brought along the nerf was for social reasons and should have brought into question our quantative performance against other classes.


tell him warrior is not a pure dps class


hello blizz, I probably understand what the current storm element fix was aimed at, but I don’t understand why you didn’t compensate for this with something else. By removing the speed you have removed the possibility of the existence of a build through machine guns, but you have also cut the area damage in the current state. This is what I don’t understand. Compensate for the lost speed in the storm element with something else. Give a stack a percentage boost of damage, or add damage to chain and normal lightning. Adjust the lava damage, as in the current state we are weakly competitive with other classes. I heard in 9.1 that my class is weak and we will not take it, I would not want to listen to this in 9.2. Give me the opportunity to play and be competitive


nightly post bump

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Remember that Ele’s feedback has rarely been accepted in years.
Do you remember the initial ele change of SL where you don’t know what the developer is thinking? This was pathetic. We submit an opinion that it is too weak at the beginning of each expansion pack, but it is ignored. And when the expansion pack is released, we become useless. It happened in legion, BfA, WoD, and SL.

Saying this as feedback is an insult to the people who have written on this forum. The staff who wrote this post also remember that it was the first post they wrote since the last expansion pack. Blizzard doesn’t have a class designer employee in charge of ele.
The staff in charge of other classes only checks for a while and fixes the ele.

We will first have to ask for hiring an employee to take charge of us or fire an employee who is not working. Instead of meaningless feedback.


I think the same. Either it’s someone who wants to get fired or there’s just no one in charge. :expressionless:


poor. customer. service.


600 replies just about no answer cringe


still nothing hey?

Daily reminder, storm ele was gutted and we received zero compensation buffs

Oh, we at blizzard thought this thread was a bunch of whining with sprinkles of well-thought criticism. But, now that you demand a response I’ll go get Ion. One sec….

I agree with many of the statements here, but the amount of foot-stomping, tantrum-throwing posts in here are hilarious.

It’s like a bunch of Karen’s gathered to demand a statement from Musk because they don’t like their Tesla.

Again, I agree with the sentiment but the execution distracts with all the whining.

Okay Karen.

People are free to express themselves however they please. The issue here, is Blizzard is deciding to not express themselves. When just over a month ago, the same type of nerf came to frost mages, and it was immediately reverted, due to the outrage.

It’s really the only way to get their attention.


People have a right to be angry. The timing, justification, and the change itself are all awful. Same with the communication people wouldn’t be foot stomping and tantrum throwing if blizzard could be bothered to justify what they did a week ago. The ball has always been in blizzards court here, but at the same time this is a massive nerf out of nowhere and the reason given wasn’t damage. Its also the type of nerf that makes the gameplay change in a negative direction which is the worst kind of nerf.

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@ felforsale

Well known ele shamans such as Shamxd and Barokoshama have both rerolled enhance and given up on the ele spec. Sadly even with much less experience playing, worse gear and worse conduits, their enh damage is still much higher than ele. This needs to be looked at.

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