Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

ok after discussing with the other shamans, we agreed to a consensus to buff earthshock by a ton, thanks. (one can hope)

They could instead add a 3% mastery gain or hell a 1.5% gain per stack of gust to make up for it that way it wouldn’t be so devestating

they could do almost anything… its just nothing that is unacceptable

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I do not have the words to accurately describe how stupid of a change this was.

Every morning I check this forum to see another 100 responses yet none of them are ever from blizzard… truly disheartening


I have made the move to Enhancement. Though this nerf is horrid, I feel I was not truly getting the Ele Shaman going in the right direction. The build I was using was the SE build. I had thought with the changes I could use that build as it was a build I was able to do decent dps with.

Though I have 226 weapons, I find that Enhance is more in my wheelhouse. trying this funnel build. I hope Blizz will return and make a statement, but as a Hunter main, I am use to the silence. Improvise, adapt, and move on.

keywords: warrior, enhancement, boomkin, overpowered

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still hoping for those compensatory changes…


Sitting here on my first day off this week, normally where I’d be playing my shaman… I honestly have no reason to. With my schedule I can barely play with my friends a nd guild so, I have got by through pugging M+, but now that I can’t even get into anything over a 7 as a 250+ilvl shaman, where I had relatively no issues previously… says alot.


BLIZZARD can you answer us say something please

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BLIZZ…here is the issue.

You basically said “We are changing this because it’s too many key presses. Have a nice day.”

What consequently happened was the largest nerf a spec has ever encountered…

We are asking for communication. What is the problem?


An accessibility change should result in no difference to class performance. fix it bliz.


here we are, 550 comments later, no blue response… its deafening at this point, how much they dont care about “community feedback”


I mean I switched to enhance, just to try it out in the new raid (haven’t played it all expansion so far). Mind you, I have a 268 weapon for ele and a 239 for enhance. My enhance dps was about 400-700 dps higher, per boss…and that is parsing like 90-95’s as ele (mid 60’s as enhance).

Furthermore, we’re a remnant of what we used to be as a class. We’ve got broken talents, pointless talents, talents that are just traps to choose. We’ve provided feedback. During this latest PTR, we’ve provided countless amounts of feedback, with detailed information backed by hard data from some of the best theorycrafters in existence. It all goes ignored…and then we end up where we are now. Ignored again.

To top it off…we watch as enhance gets a response and revert in ~3 hours.
We watch as Mages get feedback and responded to.
We literally sat here all PTR and watched as communication came back from Blizzard to the community for basically all classes and specs, besides Elemental. We’ve watched PTR patch notes hit where specs are changed and tuned and fixed and balanced…and we kept saying “well it’s not our turn yet.” Well, I guess it was finally our turn…On a Friday evening before Mythic week opens. That’s cowardice. Not responding to your paying customers is inconsiderate and disgusting. I’m honestly ashamed to have been playing this game for over 15 years at this point.

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I did not ask for any of this. Why are you sidelining my ele spec? Now I am totally worthless in raids.

WTF are you guys thinking?


There’s always the chance we can enjoy elemental in 10.0!

Can I just have corruption and azerite back lol?

While I respect designing talents for accessibility, the timing of this is out of place and should have been done for 10.0 where reworks are expected.

The request for a compensation buff isn’t unreasonable.

Happy 1 week anniversary to this post with no follow-ups or feedback since


There is nothing more to say, around 600 posts unitedly saying the same thing over and over again. Nobody asked for these changes and we must be compensated in some other way if you still keep these changes.