Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Until the change includes compensation buffs its an objectively awful change. Blizzard didn’t even cite damage as the reason for the change. If you disliked storm ele gameplay good for you. But many players liked it, I know I did. Worse the timing of this change is about as bad as it could be, even if they add compensation buffs now a whole lot of ele shamans just lost a massive chunk of momentum going into the patch as they either swap to resto or enhance or straight up reroll.

Blizzard deserves big mad for this change, because they stomped something that effects any pve ele shaman, and choose not to elaborate, despite ele not being in a great place to begin with before the borrowed power comes in.


Blizzard we are not going away, you need to respond to this community!

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Please respond to the community.

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Where the **** is the communication???

WTB 15% to 20% dmg on LavaBurst, Lightning Bolt, Earth shock plz ty Blizz

I doubt the community response would’ve been this strong had Blizzard simply stated that they felt interaction between SE and 4piece was imbalanced.

But rather they went for what they thought as the “easy route” and made it sound like they were doing Elemental shamans a favor, which is simply insulting as well as patronizing, which is something people rarely tolerates.

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Fine Blizzard, you win, I guess we will accept Gust of Wind’s return instead of a compensation buff. It pains me to say it but we as Ele shamans need to compromise. Truly unfortunate but we will survive with a measly Movement Skill in return :frowning:

They seriously haven’t said anything yet? Unreal.

The elemental community are not going to stop asking for a response. We need a buff BADLY we losing are raid spots. Look at the MDI do you see any elementals in there NO. I do see 5 Warriors though. Way to balance!!

lucked out the tier was melee friendly and able to play enhance as well

remember when we could cast lightning bolt when moving? at the very least can we have that back if we’re not getting any comp buffs?

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Get ready for 10.0 everybody. Because this right here, RADIO SILENCE, is what you can expect from blizzard regarding feedback.

Get ready for bugged / dead / unusable talents.
Get ready for a borrowed powered system that just so happens to get your spec nerfed.
Get ready for bizarre, unneeded, class changes.

And get ready for your feed back to be taken, and the communication that follows-just like this thread.

Over 500 responses. 0 blue posts. It’s truly shameful.


And i bet they feel very accessible.

This nerf is a slap in the face and the false narrative and lie behind it… Wow…

This nerf is debilitating

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half our ele talents are already dead and unusable… literally who is going to pick anything over echoing. or anything over echoing. or anything over primal elementalist? its ridiuclous how tone deaf they are.

This is what happens when a company fires hundreds of employees to make bigger margins at the expense of all the players and their biggest title.

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STOP ignoring us. This makes no sense. Just give us an answer. Tell us something is coming? That you are working on a “fix” to bring back the spec to what it was going to be this patch! Anything! It makes no sense that you are staying this quiet about this issue.

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storm ele also not being affected by m+ CDR power soo…either they dont care about ele players at all, or the person in charge of ele shaman stuff is hard afk.


This was a bug and fixed by hotfixes earlier today

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This STILL requires a reply


WTB 15% to 20% dmg on LavaBurst, Lightning Bolt, Earth shock plz ty Blizz