Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Here we are Class changes for quality of life, quality of play, have had a deep negative effect on quality of performance. no changes yet, we are all watching the world first races and the class performance spread sheets and seeing the ele shaman move to the bottom as neither double legendaries or thier class set does anything to help them retain any kind of DPS relevance, and since they bring no unique buffs to the raid there is no reason to bring them.

don’t get tired don’t get trolled just keep posting.

the elemental community wants a response. getting one as quickly as the enhance and warrior community got one would have been good but that ship has sailed.


like, 100% u should have made stacks reset on some timer or cast, I thought that was going to happen already, but you’ve seriously ruined the point of storm ele since at least the last patch of BFA.

and genuinely, can someone explain how the .6 second cast is a bigger accessibility problem than a hastey melee class – real Q, not factious

weird i gave u the option of being wrong, but yet u chose the lying one… again i’m here since this post started i’m pretty much reading everything, u are saying that there was substancial amounts of positive coments about this change, but the most positive thing i read is “sure accessibility is important but just removing damage from the class will only make it worse”, and u are acusing the comunity of mass reporting… Do you have logs to prove that?

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I mean, I know for a fact I am right on at least two occasions, which I guess means you are the liar. But all you really had to do is admit that nothing is 100%. But instead you choose purposeful ignorance.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that on two occasions someone said thank you Blizz for the massive nerf with no compensation, then that was mass reported, then deleted automatically.

By the way even if something is mass reported, the post is not deleted, it just has the text hidden with a warning to click before you read. I know because things I’ve said have been reported before and they haven’t been deleted. Then a mod will come and unhide it later.

that is a straw man. You said 100% negative. There are people that clearly believe .6 sec casts weren’t fun.

Okay, so I’m really gonna need a response because I promised all of my friends that we would get a response by 10:00am PST on Thursday. I didn’t mean next Thursday. I meant this Thursday (as in today, or 35 minutes ago.)

Please respond.

Stop leaving us on read.

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I saw posts that said they didn’t mind the changes, but were angry at the fact that we got no compensation whatsoever for a 12-14% nerf on an already poorly performing single target spec.

That counts as negative feedback.

I am happy about the changes and have faith in compensation coming. I don’t count that as negative. We’ll have to agree to disagree.

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I don’t mind the changes.
I’ve hated 0.6 sec storm ele casts since inception.
I’ve hated storm ele since inception.
I like playing MoTE.
I just want compensation for what we lost, damage wise, due to accessibility.
What I really wanted was for them to look at this during the PTR when we said this would happen.


Here is my question for ya.

Were you gonna play the SE build over the MoTE/IF build?

I personally hate the MoTE/IF build, MOTE/PE is ok but still meh.

I was excited for the different playstyle ST. the .6 second casts were not a problem for me because you break them up alot for procs and ES.

so for me this is 100% negative.

I will play w/e ele spec/build does the most dmg.

But this has made me look at enh cause honestly i really dont like MoTE style that we have been playing for years now.

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For me, it was going to depend on actual numbers. I tried “machine gun” build out on the PTR and I wasn’t getting near the numbers I was getting with FE anyway, on a target dummy (without raid buffs, without 800 mastery, etc). So I’m not sure which was I was going to go.

I care about my performance and my ability to contribute to my team. So if the difference was large (in practice, not just in sims), then I would have played the machine gun build, despite my distaste for it.

wow still no reply and almost 600 replies insane

I like the Machine gun build, It’s fun, I liked that we weren’t juggling a Wrath Era Feral rotation to get decent damage.

I liked being viable

I enjoyed having the prospect of not being a tank in M+ and Raids, Then the lies and the false narrative and the absolutely insane nerf that came with both of them that honestly should result in disciplinary action at the company up to and including shuffling that person into a different part of the team.

I’m in the middle of gearing my fury warrior and have changed from having a shaman as a main (and having spent nearly 1.4M gold on getting everything good on said shaman) I’m probably not going to come back because after 15 years of this there hasn’t been a time we didn’t get absolutely crapped on and left as a second if not third class citizen in the raiding/M+ community.

The lack of a response from blizzard proves that they don’t care about elemental.


Just chiming in here again. Really wanted to do prog content with on ele and we have way more than enough enh in our comp already to need another wft. We need SOMETHING to be viable still

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Kaivax are you still working for Blizzard? The ele shaman community are concerned.

Please review this thread and consider reverting the ele shaman changes or giving significant compensatory buffs to ST and AOE.

Also importantly, please let us know if there is there a DEV that mains an ELE shaman that can respond to all of this feedback, in the event that you are not familiar with the multiple talent choices of elemental shaman gameplay in raid and mythic +? For years we have had significant nerfs that were then given as borrowed powers, and when the borrowed powers were removed, the devs forgot about them and have not been returned. The ele shaman community needs someone who knows the spec intimately so they can truly appreciate constructive and honest feedback.


/sign - the change is unnecessary.

When I first read these notes I immediately thought why not just remove wind gust buff refresh when you re-summon the ele, that would leave the 20 stacks we’ve always had intact and unchanged, and simply remove the “accessibility” issue present from that build…

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Please just say something Blizzard. Tell us whether you’re going to make any changes, waiting on test results, or are not going to give any compensation buffs. ANY communication is better than no communication. It’s very disheartening to see a pretty big nerf to our spec Friday evening, since you give yourselves no time for properly receiving and acting on feedback.

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Its fine to be contrarian and I’m sure it feels great to be the 1-5% who agree with this change who definitely play ele shaman. However is that all your here for? Why do you agree with this change, surely you aren’t just here to offer some tripe like “lol I agree so its not unanimous lmao”.

It’s fine to be a troll, and i’m sure it feels great to presume people that disagree with you don’ t really play the game, but Elemental has been my main for a long time, and is not yours. I’ve already stated my opinions above. But I guess anyone that agrees with SE being uncomfortable needs to write a thesis about it and people that are big mad can just come here and toxically yell at Blizzard over and over again…