Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

interesting how fast the ENH flame shock change got reverted when it was noticed the community looked upon it unfairly…



Just did a M+15 with Eotgs / 2 parts / SE.

i’m still ok on AOE but on ST wow…

barely above the tank. and War / Dh were 25/30% ahead of me


just making my daily post, hoping to get blizz to compensate us in any way…so when will u accept that the change is bad give us back our SE or buff us in other form?

I find it pretty hard to swallow when other shaman changes are getting pretty instant feedback, and we have not heard anything about the storm ele changes, in almost a week.

The change for single target is really bad for M+.


The change for everything is bad for m+

reiterating that the ele shaman storm elemental change without compensation was a terrible take.

please fix it.


Blizz doesn’t care enough to even just respond and say “we’re happy with where you are” – literally nothing. Meanwhile, enh complains and gets fixed 3 hours later. It’s pretty obvious what is happening.


I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt when there was no response immediately from blizzard to the feedback to this change as it was a weekend, but it’s been an entire week now of 100% negative feedback with still not so much as a peep. This is beyond absurd and is the reason no one trusts your company


Here we are all claiming about the nerf but we have not thought that perhaps Blizzard’s silence is due to the fact that the person in charge of the elemental shaman was fired months ago due to harassment cases and no one has taken over the position. :upside_down_face:

It is not 100% negative, anything in support has been mass reported by this toxic community.

Can you please show me where one of these positive posts are? I must have missed them

Me again :slight_smile:

Couple more points:

  • Failing to respond to this thread is eroding any good will generated by the other fantastic changes made to the game and its systems with the arrival of 9.2 within the Elemental spec community. Whilst it may not be the case that the spec is being ignored wilfully - its entirely plausible you’re waiting for more information to act on or don’t wish to post until there is a solution ready to show us - it is certainly appearing that way which is evidenced by many of the posts in this 500+ strong thread.

  • This is of course not aided by the quick response to (relatively) minor concerns of other specs. It is hard to weigh up the importance of changes to each spec against each other, but I don’t find it controversial to suggest the performance hit Elemental took as a result of this quality of life change are far beyond those addressed. I should stress I do not mean that those concerns were not legitimate or important, but that our issue is equally so (if not more so) and as such should have at least been elaborated upon in a response even if nothing is ready yet and/or you have no such plans.

Echoing the sentiments of others in this thread:

The silence is deafening

I would hope it is on your radar to not let the Elemental spec community believe that they are being ignored wilfully, to that end please respond to these concerns.



Forgive me friend, it appears that you have not fully comprehended my comment. Please reread. In the meantime, I will watch your “love” count grow, regardless of you getting corrected.

Anything reported would be vetted by the forum moderators and if it wasn’t in breach of the rules would be left… do you really think blizzard is going around deleting positive posts in this thread?

posts that are mass reported are immediately hidden

ignore the troll.

Here we have exabit A

friend i’m here since day one of this anouncement, you are wrong or liying, the only posts reported where the ones from ppl who don’t play shaman who came here just to call us “cry babies”

I dont wanna sound too wild, but actually if you could just come back n let us know “sorry it makes yall mad, but we are standing behind this change” that would be really great.

We’re not just being dramatic that this change is making us want to switch classes – I want to play something else if this change is stuck. It’s a brutal and bad choice, but if its the way it is thats fine, just please come back and tell us that.

We pay to play this game every month (not to mention the literal $100 I have spent getting legendries…) Please come back and let me know if this time and money should be spent on a different character…

This post has 15k views because people just want to know if this is really permanent, you should really come back and let us know…


That’s quite an accusation to make. That I’m lying because I’m stating information you don’t know about? Do you have some type of log of all posts in the thread that were reported? How can you even think that? Posts have disappeared.