Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

ST is taking a 13% DPS loss due to this change.

Respectfully, please communicate something, even if it’s that you’re satisfied with the dmg output. I would absolutely disagree with that assessment, but then at least I would know I should put effort into another class for raid.

Our only real value after this is going to be lust. I’ve been kicked from groups as an ele because of the perception that so many other classes provide better damage and utility than ele. And now it seems more true than ever. I almost never have that happen on my warrior or DH.


No one from Blizzard is coming back here unless someone violates the forum TOS.

Do with that information what you will.

got 2 tier set pieces, but still on bottom of the raid

This is so disappointing.

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cant wait to hear the forthecoming blue response! …

That wasn’t a command.

Its ok everyone, since the accessibility nerf was made on Friday that must mean we will get the response on Friday too.

Barely noticeable nerf…

only a 1.5m damage loss on anduin tyvm this feel so accessible


can you acknowledge us in literally any way? elemental is a spec just like enhance. they had a bug fixed immediately and we can’t even get a post?


is it as big as the demo 40% nerf? I have not checked numbers, still annoyed about no response and I wish they revert it as I wanted to try the SE build myself :frowning:

Enhance got a really slight QoL nerf and after 1 hour of people complaining, got a blue post reverting it. Ele got a 12% ST nerf + a 34% AoE nerf and after 6 days and 500 responses you stay silent.
I don’t even care anymore, I was forced to reroll enhance already, but it just shows how you can do stuff like that if u really want to, you just dont care enough to do it for ele after killing the spec. I’m extremely disappointed.

Good luck to everyone sticking with this spec, you do not deserve what Blizzard’s done to you.

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this is so cringe just answer

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Don’t forget to bump and reply to the thread in the General forums, The more we keep things visible the less they can ignore us.


So is this really going to go ignored and not get a response from Blizz? They don’t need to fully revert anything, reducing the stacks is semi-reasonable (it was a nerf to base kit INSTEAD OF to the tier set/borrowed power, wildly enough though), but not to the extent they did…
Resetting stacks on elemental recast was completely reasonable tbh, expected that from the get-go.
They need to make up for it somewhere though, how a nerf to the base kit of shaman to massively nerf their ST when already having extremely mediocre ST makes no sense to me.

Fix the talents, aka 2/3 of them being garbage in literally all forms of content. Give some strength back to each stack (or revert stack amount nerf and halve the benefit to cast time reduction, but also provide another benefit per stack), or something, idk the solution but a flat nerf to the base kit wasn’t the sole move that should’ve been made.

Or in other words… bump

Blizzard hotfixed enh today, but still no elem news…

We know, it only made us angrier

I’ve dropped my sham after losing 30% of my output in m+ let’s do the math

If I’m at 10k and I lose 30% where am I at?

If my tank is doing 6.7k…

Yep Blizzard we are still here.

15k views 500 responses to a massive nerf . no blue response. enhance shamans “umm my flameshock isn’t refreshing”

blue post “fixed” same day

What the actual %^&%^&%^


sniffs the air I wonder what that stench is