Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

You mean like the maelstrom revert for ele right before the xpac???

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yea know the funny thing is whenever they set ele up to spam 1 key they decide they dont like … why do you think we dont see ascendence anymore? because all you did in that window was press lava burst. it was was just pressing lava burst very fast trying to keep with the insta procs and very quick casts… now we have a Storm ele lightning bolt again and they dont like it.

I have played ele, fury, and DK swappin between them since the release of WoW. never once even when the specs were fast paced did my finger ever hurt. the SE build did not make them hurt. why you ask? because you can press a key really fast without smashing your fingers into the keyboard. its very easy. you just press fast. you dont need to mash the keyboard. if you do have that issue and dont know how to fix it you have some solutions. you can put that super fast ability on your scroll wheel and just spin that thing fast. no smashing required. you can make a macro to spam the ability, you can use 2 keys to help not smash one button.

I personally liked the SE build. I was looking forward to not having to play the MOTE/IF build that we have been playing for years. ele has had many different play styles over the years and this was a nice change.

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I wasn’t crazy about the new SE build but I couldn’t wait to get rid of IF - it just felt like a clunky ability that over-complicated what we needed to do to maintain competitive DPS, particularly in comparison to other classes.

FWIW - it sounds like once we get double leggo we can swap to PE from IF for improved DPS. Still will utilize EB/MotE though.

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Are you gonna just sit there come on do something at least

Daily reminder

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Crickets still…

It’s already Wednesday and still no news. Thank you Blizzard for making us feel unappreciated (and we already experienced this in the PTR).

But we are certainly more accessible, Right?.. right…?

Pretty sure we lost access to heroic and mythic raiding as well as mythic keys 15 or higher. It was difficult to get into a pug raid/m+ in group finder before this. Now it will be next to impossible when everyone knows how bad ele really is.


here is one of many daily reminders that this nerf completely GUTTED ele’s ability to be competitive in the DPS scheme, not only in raid but m+ as well… Why is it that Mages/Warlocks always are the ones to get babied, and make sure their class has at least 2 amazing specs… meanwhile Elemental is the crumbs on the ground that the rats wont even eat.

The silence is deafening here. Blizz, if you think Ele was in line for a huge nerf, then just say that. Why did you not just call it a nerf in the first place instead of an accessibility concern? And if it was an accessibility concern, but you feel that Ele’s DPS was too high and now think it’s at the right level, then please just say that. If this is something you’re planning on addressing later, then please just say that. But to say nothing is indefensible at this point.


Daily reminder blizz to solve the problem you created

@other people of interest maybe we should just start @'ing ian on twitter on the daily

Can the shaman community get a valid explanation on this nerf?
Fast spell casting don’t explain the overall dmg nerf.

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Just as a reminder as well Fire Blast was and is off the GCD and your pet fire mages spent an entire final chapter of an expansion at the TOP of all meters pressing buttons quickly and with the poor forsight of the item Hyperthread Wrestwraps from mechagon they were completely and inarguably over powered. You did nothing like this nerf to aleviate the accessibility issues this reresented in the physical world. Or the accessibility issues they made for other classes that also wanted to raid and M+, whose spots were lost to poor class and gear tuning. Most of all Blizzard developers consistently don’t predict the “out put” effects of thier changes(and especially this vapid immature attempt at social awareness). The only solution is to maintain a constant vigil on warcraft logs, and forum feed back. Perhaps even listen to your community council Two have which have come out on this thread and said this is a bad idea without some sort of recipricative buff


still nothing? I gotta assume blizz didn’t really understand what this change meant when they implemented… “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” etc. etc.


“never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

Although stupidity is far more frightening

the viewer # difference for this post. Please pick a different solution to this D:

Silence is NOT the answer.
What a shame.
I’ve played this game since 2007…and honestly, I’ve never felt this disrespected.

If you’re changing due to “accessibility reasons” - then why is there no compensatory buffs? This equates to, quite possibly, the largest ST nerf that has ever hit a spec, in the history of wow. The reasoning wasn’t “too much damage” – it was accessibility. So where’s the tuning?

We deserve an answer.
Just tell is “no changes”
Just communicate SOMETHING with us.


Just wanted to add another possible solution that may actually be beneficial. What if wing gust stacks instead of being 3% cast reduction was 4%? We would be much closer to the 1 second cast times that lets be honest feels really good without going past the normal 1 second hasted gcd. I think youd have to couple it with some other small nerf or let stacks not reset to really balance out. However i think overall it would still feel very impactful while achieving what blizzard was intending. This plus an aura biff to lightning/CL or a buff during for maestrom gen should be enough to balance out the ST nerf.

Realistically RWF has started so even if they are working on something it wont happen until after. However, it definitely would be beneficial on multiple layers to have some kind of communication on the topic. There are plenty of players upset, understandably so, and knowing what the road going forward towards 10.0 would be nice.

Edit: demanding an answer or overall just trouncing blizzard over everything isnt helping us get an answer. I would greatly appreciate if people could keep it civil. I understand this is the internet but most of us are adults and can act as such.

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Unfortunately, you don’t get to command us
We were fed a lie (that we were being changed due to “accessibility reasons”) then ignored for over four days, while taking the largest nerf to ever hit a spec in the history of wow. People have every right to be upset.