Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Well it was fun while it lasted folks (despite it not even hitting live).

After spending 100s of hours grinding m+, torghast, valor, m+ gear and spending 100,000s of gold for legendary items in the final weeks of 9.1.5, to grinding out a full vault of M+ 15s, normal and heroic raid prog and Zereth Mortis campaign/story and casual content last week, I’m accepting defeat and instead of hoping for a response or a buff, I’ll be cutting my losses and switching mains in the first 2 weeks. I just can’t keep investing in a character that will be holding my fellow raiders and m+ team back when saying “DW I’ll come good” is no longer an achievable proposition. Thanks Bliz :kissing_heart:

GL fellow Ele dreamers. If you’re sticking with Ele, I dearly hope you’ll get a blue response and some kind of buff soon. I personally just can’t invest any more time into a spec that will be middle of the pack and not the fun and fast playstyle I was hoping for.


At least say something we are paying players you can at least say hey we arent going to revert anything stop asking that would at least be better then this how is it even feral got a buff going into mythic week but we got a huge nerf makes zero sense


killed elem shaman


my 3rd post on this forum, wont stop until u give us a response.


Its clear that we wont give up this post until our voices are heard. ill keep commenting on this to state how TERRIBLE it feels to play ele now. I was excited for keys this week, good affixes, fort week where Ele could shine… went from doing 10-11k dps in a HoA (252 ilevel) to like 8k… expect the ele/shaman community to continue to complain and post here until either you fix this detrimental nerf, or your turn off comments


yep and ppl just say its 12% ST damage nerf not the end of the world. lol


I went from just above 10k to 7900, this isn’t a 12% nerf this is obliteration.


Unacceptable blizzard


Pre, bedtime bump will be up in a few to keep bumping


Even if they said:

“No further changes are anticipated. We are happy with where ele is. The change was made because we didn’t read your feedback from the PTR at all and never intended for ele to be a mid-tier spec, thus the machine gun build was unbeknownst to us. Have a good day.”

It would be better than what is happening now, honestly.


Imagine blatantly ignoring nearly 500 customer complaints… I’m more upset about that than having to start all over on a hunter 2 weeks into a patch.

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…so I am guessing these people don’t play melee? I only like casters with short casting times like that.

And if we are talking accessibility - how about you consider all the game play you have in Shadowlands that require heights which some people have problems with.

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not to mention. No one was forcing anyone to play ele w/ se build! The reasoning for this nerf is utter nonsense

I am betting someone did complain about that though. People are like that.

no response/changes yet? Astounding.

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I get the change as they don’t want to support a play style that’s kind of harmful/toxic where you just spam lightning bolt until your finger falls off but why are their communication skills so terrible lol. At least add that you looked at Ele dps with the nerf and it’s only X% different and still where you want it, and if not then off set this nerf with a stacking lightning bolt buff. Idk just feels like it’s obvious players would be concerned about dps loss with this change so why not address it preemptively?


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Its not the ele you want. Its the the ele they want. Same story different XPAC.
Oh noes ele is spamming LB and CL and not LvB. We shall see about that.

In other words we are getting the Demonology Treatment


its not really promising for the future of this game if you put such a change at the last minute and can’t even communicate with your playerbase, why do you think so many people lost or are losing faith with your company


Exactly. Personally, I was not looking forward to the ‘machine gun’ build. It was going to be annoying even with the DPS possibilities. But this type of reaction from the player base should’ve been 1000% expected and could’ve easily been avoided. Like, why is it that the Shaman discord experts are the ones telling us the exact dps% loss (which is substantial)?

Ele already has one of the more robust raid rotations that requires quite a bit of effort to maintain competitive DPS. Meanwhile other classes just faceroll their way to sustained 7k+ dps with similar ilvls.