Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Don’t forget the thread i linked, BE NOISY noise is good, This is absolutely absurd and the idea and lie infront of it is just as absurd.

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this has me too mad to function, been looking forward to storm ele w/ tier pieces for literally months and then ur going to nerf it this hard before we even get the tier bonuses? can we get some more blue posts to explain this change

And who detremines what is an accessibility problem?

why does does a ‘spammy’ build only apply to shaman as an accessibility problem and not all classes?

Why are you defending something only a few guide writers apparently wanted/memed about?

Why did they decide unilaterally that this was an issue that community couldn’t bare?

please revert this. this is not uncomfortable to play. it make shaman fun. anyone who says otherwise is a troll.


Can you stop ignoring us and actually just say something i rather here NO WE ARE NOT REVERTING THIS CHANGE then just silence that would unironically be better then this and that speaks volumes


Hey Blizz

Not an original idea but could you please consider buffing Wind Gust so it increases Maelstrom gained per stack and/or grants a chance to duplicate the spell either via a proc or a stacking mastery buff?


Because you could effectively achieve some of the same feeling of the original machine gun build, while still fixing the accessibility problem you spoke of.


Part of the appeal of the machine gun spec is just how fast lightning bolts start to fly out. It’s partly the visual appeal of it but it’s also the maelstrom that you gain at faster rates which feeds back into the rest of the spec. More maelstrom => more earth shocks => more lava bursts (via the Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence legendary) => more elemental uptime.

It’s a feedback loop a lot of us were looking forward to. If you buffed that you’d hopefully get the best of both worlds.

The problem with the current changes to Storm Elemental is that you just end up having to spam the same button more. Previously you were casting so many lightning bolts that you gained maelstrom over a shorter period of time, that would then feed into the earth shock => lava burst loop. Now you’re going to spend more time spamming the same button for the same result but over a longer period of time.

If you buff wind gust to increase the maelstrom gained, you’d spend less time casting the same spell and more time pressing your other buttons.

So while I can’t fault you for wanting to make the spec more accessible even though I don’t necessarily agree and there are other more egregious specs, you can achieve a similar feeling for the build that the Shaman community were clearly looking forward to by buffing wind gust.

Please, please consider it.


Maybe I’m not understanding the math correctly but cast times went from 0.6 seconds to 1.2 seconds so doesn’t that mean damage was basically cut in half? That’s a huge nerf.


Yikes, say something at least.

It’s like you farted in the shaman elevator just before you got off.


We demand a response.


You cant nerf a talent because of borrowed power and do nothing else to compensate. This is incredibly disrespectful to all the ele players and if I was maining one currently I’d consider quitting. Please do better.


Yeah, 4 people in our raid are changing classes because of this…


You believed incorrectly

To be fair… actually no. This is totally unfair and unacceptable that you are staying quiet for so long. Ever since I started playing WoW I played Ele shaman which has always been seen as the “wrong spec” and for once we were going to be “acceptable” but you go and nerf us up and kill the hype of this patch. All of this to make this more “comfortable”? Grow up. At least compensate somewhere. We are all very mad and your silence is making it worst.


wow still no update/revert? wild.


and entirely unsurpris- No we are used to this due to what we play

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Couldn’t tell you the last time I posted on the forums, but the silence here is abyssmal. As big as this thread is and to leave all of the feedback ignored is extremely disheartening. A change as unwarranted and misguided as this one put on the backburner while other classes and specs see almost immediate change and/or at the very least communication.

There still remains to be other specs that are currently and have always been higher apm that have seen no attention when it comes to accessibility, yet Ele saw immediate repercussions based on “feedback”. Not to mention the immense damage nerf this has been and now you barely have a chance to experience any of the current content if you’re Ele.

Elemental didn’t get its best legendary for Castle Nathria until well into mythic progression. A legendary that made it actually competitive and relevant for single target. The same thing is happening now, where Ele potentially could see a lot of representation in the RWF and overall across all difficulties, yet the rug is being pulled out from under us.

If the storm ele change was truly about accessibility, then there should be buffs somewhere to compensate for the IMMENSE damage loss. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a nerf this hard to any class/spec, and while also being completely nonexistent when it comes to communication.

Expected a lot better from the Blizzard we’ve been seeing up until this point.


The thing that bothers me the most is why haven’t they said ANYTHING. It just comes across like they have nothing to communicate or no intention to make any further changes. Why leave the Ele community with silence when a couple of sentences saying that they’re looking into the situation would alleviate a lot of frustration.

The longer this goes without a response the worse it’s going to get.


I have lost more than 20% of my damage that is huge right I did a key and guess what it was awful I can completely concur with everyone else there are only two fixes number one is undoing this awful change and apologizing about lying but I will settle for just undoing the change.

The second fix you ask what is the second fix it’s go play a different class if you intend to do anything at a competitive level


don’t leave this change like this … it’s a really bad call, please don’t ignore us

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Pls… Don’t leave this huge nerf like this… i don’t wanna play Resto or Enhance to get invite for M+
20% nerf is huge
killed elem shaman