Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Get in there anyway, Copium or not it has to be said.

No bueno

This is a straight up nerf to a spec that is mid tier, at best, for this raid.
There needs to be some balance, maybe each stack also adds mast or vers or crit in addition to the haste.

Put it in the thread i linked it, Bring it to the front page.

its so embarassing this nerf went live with NO COMPENSATION to our damage profile… Guess blizzard is just sticking with the good ol “you’re the wrong blue”

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The main issue here is you are asking us to go on the PTR to give feedback, feedback is given that this build might indeed be problematic for accessibility. The result of that is a straight nerf with no compensation when we’re already struggling .

Do you really expect to gather more feedbacks int he future with that kind of workflow ? Especially when the conversation is totally one sided.

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I’d like to start by saying that I have spent many hours searching the forums and cannot find a single person that complained about the accessibility of an optional talent prior to this nerf. I have, however, noticed within the first 30 seconds that people are upset that they’ve been nerfed into the ground for a reason unrelated to the performance of the spec. I’ve also noticed that Blizzard has gone completely silent and won’t respond to us. Truly horrendous customer support.

I’m very disheartened by the fact that other classes complain and get fixes, but elemental shamans get nothing, despite having nearly double the feedback. What gives? Shamans gave plenty of feedback about the spec and 4-set in the PTR cycle, but it fell upon deaf ears. Now, because of this borrowed power 4-set bonus, the class itself has been nerfed and will likely suffer for this for years.

I still can’t wrap my head around nerfing elemental by 12% in single target and 30% in AoE in the name of accessibility without compensating in literally any way. Elemental was middle of the road, but is now in the dumpster and should not be brought to any PvE content. This is wildly disappointing.


It was an actual feedback in the Set feedback thread and it was mentioned in one of the main ele website : https://stormearthandlava.com/blog/2022/02/14/I-m-sorry.html

The issue is legitimate, the nerf without compensation isnt

the nerf feels horrible doesnt feel good without any compensation for it i was 2805 last season one of the higest elemental shamans 150 in raid you need to change this rework it revert it something you are going to kill the class doing random nonsense stuff like this please read the forums pay attention get rid of this dumb nerf and do something useful

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Just played ele sham with my M+ build for the first time since the nerf (note that i didnt say in raid, where u wanted to ‘fix’ an accesibility issue) and it feels AWFUL


A single person’s point of view in which the author himself pretty much calls it a meme. Guess I’ll go make a single post on SE&L for Blizzard to listen to me over the giant dump of rage that is this thread.

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And also at no point did they say to remove the build. Just provided suggestions to help with it.


Anything yet to respond with, this isn’t going away.

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honestly just never stop messaging in here till they fix it


tested in game… feels as horrible as you would expect. blatent nerf with no compensation for a mid tier spec.

i wish i could say i was suprised…


Honestly baffled it went through. Something like this NEEDS a buff somewhere to compensate for the dps loss. Either give stacks a % boost to lightning damage, remove the stack reset, or preferably both of the above.

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Way to ruin a whole class


Confirmation Bias: the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.



its started ele cant pug keys gg all


honestly what goes on in the typical Blizzard brain? ‘We are increasing cast time of your spells during your largest cooldown to make the game more accessible… also we arn’t compensating in anyway to make up for the massive DPS loss! Enjoy!’


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RIGHT it’s like they just hate elemental shaman makes zero sense randomly nerfed us in CN for pvp then we are the only shaman without a totem they actually should just delete the spec if they are going to neglect it just as much as feral actaully feral got a 25% damage buff to sickle so its probably the most neglected spec in the game right now