Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

fun aside, i hope it is decent when the 4 piece kicks in with the legos, seeing as blizz doesn’t have time for shaman in their schedule to actually communicate their thoughts verses our concerns.


Good luck getting into keys this week guys :frowning:


This is such a knee jerk reaction nerf. Why not increase nature damage for each stack of the wind buff instead if the only concern is hitting the button too fast? Cutting it in half and not compensating damage in any other way feels like you’re removing the spec from viability before we ever got to try it out.


Instead of fixing accessibility you have nerfed the spec to the ground. Since the short cast time is the problem here just make it so that wind gust increases lightning bolt’s damage. Don’t make us lose damage because some players can’t click their buttons. You must compensate.


This is most ridiculous nerf I have seen this xpac, I been dumping all my time into ele shaman. This is totally unwanted and by no means needed. Congratulations Blizzard you just lost another subscriber…nerf a mediocre class because of a meme build video WTF!! The reason they acted so quick on the mage nerf, is because mage is represented by most of the world first groups, where ele shaman is not. I wouldn’t expect a revert on nerf, I would just unsubb play something else that’s what I’am doing.


Where are these players? I have seen 1 video of someone saying this, the rest of these post have been really negative about the unwarranted nerf. If us shamans just unsubb together, we all know that money motivates changes so I just unsubbed.


Barely one response in 4 days. Goes to show how much blizzard takes into account their players feedback.


Well my subscription is cancelled, i can’t deal with another full patch doing sh*t dps and struggling to get a spot in raids and dungeons…ty blizz


Putting this through just shows how little my time is valued. I spent 2 weeks grinding enlightened rep on my shaman I’ve spent 100k + gold buying 262’s and making appropriate legenendaries to find out I pretty much have to start over on another character if I want to be competitive. Honestly I think I’d rather just play a different game… this is killing all my enthusiasm for 9.2


With other class tier change the change was to the tier piece, with us its a nerf to our best AoE build. So now I have no tier piece and no AoE build, how would m+ be “accessible” to me when people would just decline my apps?


Literally none of us asked for this


So I guess almost 400 replies wasn’t enough traction. We should’ve shot for 1000. Maybe next time we will get their attention, folks.

At least we can look forward to compensation buffs once everyone sees how big the stack resetting nerf actually was.


If 400 replies get nothing, i think 1000 replies wont change anything.
Warriors got update and we didnt is their answer already.


No one asked for this nerf, we weren’t even s tier we were a solid A, in mythic plus this will be upwards of 40% in raids this is 20 to 28% no one not a single shaman player has gone and said I don’t want to have something that is not only thematically call Roy so fun to play and fixes so many of our problems because we are inherently a turret when it comes to combat

Nerfing this talent essentially solves two things. Removing people with disabilities playing the spec, and everyone else as well. No one will play this if they are remotely competitive.

And I have an inkling the reason why there are no buffs is that RSham and Ele share the same spell ID’s for LvB / LB / CL and buffing those inadvertently causes a buff to RSham.

And lets be honest here, this could be simply changed by an intern with a new separate spell ID for those three spells. The hard part is adding it to the 1000’s of iteration of code (especially for a raid) that you are sending out in umm hopefully 2 hours LOL

I was super excited for 9.2 super excited to be back into mythic plus super excited to do thin- I am now dropping my shaman there is no point trying to compensate for this no amount of school is going to change the fact that we have just been done dirtier than arthas being made into 35 anima


Pretty disappointed to not have any responses from the dev team, when these changes came pretty out of the blue before the mythic reset.

Would love to have an open discussion with the team about the vision they have for ele, and what we as players can do, to give good and honest feedback the developers can utilize.

Happy mythic week!


403 responses and 4 days later, the devs have yet to even acknowledge their community complaints about the massive nerfs they made on an already underperforming spec.

And here I thought Blizz was finally doing their stuff right, but they just killed an entire spec 2 days before mythic opens, when a ton of people had already commited and cannot afford to reroll, after having 2 months of PTR testing and people informing about how this build worked on a daily basis.

Good job Blizzard, you’re doing great.


Were on the front page now bring the argument there.


Echoing everything here… absolutely horrible change indicative of the fact that blizzard has no clue what they are doing with ele shaman. if there is no compensation for the significantly lower amount of LBs/CLs being dished out… then this isnt an ‘accessability fix’ but a huge nerf.

wake TF up blizz.