Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

I think no reply is a reply from them, time to unsub


The saddest bit about all this is the absolute desperation this nerf has caused in the Elemental shaman community. 364 replies over a few days for a little known and under represented spec is insane.

There are people in the Shaman discord making all sort of comments like “they have to announce compensational buffs right? … RIGHT?”

We’re all operating on the hope that this surely can’t stand and as Tuesday approaches, the desperation only rises.

Today was the day we’ve all been waiting for, surely they just haven’t responded because its the weekend, right? Monday is the day they will get back to us. Yet as the sun sets over the Blizzard offices in California we’re all left disappointed that we still haven’t heard anything.

To add insult to injury, Fury warriors get a post walking back some of their nerfs which didn’t result in an uprising from their community like this one has, and yet we’re left still waiting to hear if this is going to go live, get reverted or if there’s more changes coming.

It’s honestly just depressing.




  1. a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

“the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice”

  1. Blizzard Elemental Shaman development

  2. Blizzards responsiveness to class issues


Stopped playing due to not enough hours in the day back in September last year. Watched changes and things closely like I always do. Just got ACL repair and am on a 6 week hiatus so I thought what the hell.

The LB/CL spam build is what Blizz wants. It just not what a group of elitists at a certain domain who has had the ear of blizz developers over the past 3 xpacs wants. Its always the same. Blizz claims they want ele to be a turret lighting slinger. Then mysteriously when that design is fulfilled all of the sudden there is this mystery uprising of shaman who find it unplayable and it gets trashed. All the while no one on the forums or actually in game have a clue who is causing the uprising.

Case in point is ulidir in BFA with RA bonus. You could run a high mastery build with SE/HV/UP build and pull crazy dmg. But alas all the fanbois were telling everyone mastery was crap and ele was dog tier because they couldn’t machine gun meatballs for 25% HP.

Then out of the blue blizz removes HV and completely guts the spec. Ele use to get strong toward late xpac and really shine. This has not been the case the last 2 xpacs.

Just like now. All this excitement about a LB/CL SE build wrecking lightning dmg and not one peep of how unplayable it is on any site and bam. Blizz nerfs it into trash because of this mysterious out pour of crying. Yet who is crying. Elitist at your local ele domain. Its not the ele they want or enjoy so screw it.

Sad sad sad.

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i don’t know what point you’re trying to make

there is no workable mythic raid elemental shaman at this point.

most have offered alternate builds as solutions

and elitists or what ever you want to label people are the most invested in the spec so ofcourse they’re the most frustrated

are you just trolling?

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sorry but i didn’t understand your point, u are saying that “elitists” are the one who called for the nerf but that’s not the case, no one asked for it, everyone was quite hyped for this build, what we knew, and was expected, was that the ressumoning of the elemental keeping the stacks was something that would be changed, not bc we wanted it to be, just that it smelled like a bug.
The problem is blizz decided to completely gut the spec on all PVE contend under the umbrella of “accessibility” and is refusing to compensate it in any way shape or form

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It’s a psychotic person who talks to the wall.
And kicking and swearing against the wall seems to be more normal than talking logically and politely.
Blizzard, don’t use the word “Thank you for the feedback” anymore. Ele players only get angry when they see such words.


It’s honestly the most insulting thing that Warrior forum got a response. with 1/3rd the feedback left by the community… and shamans get the shaft…


Official hotfix notes were posted and the storm ele nerf hasn’t been touched. Not even after 370 absolutely negative posts saying it was a bad idea, and no compensation or even another response.

Completely inept dev team and a waste of players time.


It’s pretty disheartening that Blizz can’t even bother to comment on this, despite such an enormous thread. Elemental Shamans have felt largely ignored for the entirety of this xpac, and this is not helping. You are KILLING this spec, taking away from its sustained AOE niche and pushing it right back to bottom tier single target DPS.


Guess I’m playing boomy this tier :frowning:

I’m honestly surprised, this change singlehandedly tanks the talent that holds together the most relevant builds of ele shaman with no compensation, on the day mythic releases at that. I was looking forward to having 3 specs of shaman to use while working toward aotc and ksm, but this change alone just leaves a massive bad taste. I can’t understand the mindset behind it, the timing is awful, the nerf massive, and the opportunity to make this change stretched out actual years. Like it took forever for the patch to come in, but it took two weeks for them to just deny a third of the fun I was planning to have this patch.

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nerf day 1: due to lack of class designing abilities. Somewhat forgivable.
nerf day 2: players keep talking to a brick wall
nerf day 3: Bliz: thank you for your feedback, here’s a warrior buff.


Can’t believe they’re actually going through with it. This literally makes no sense your saying your making this change because its an accessibility concern and not because its too strong. Do you not realize by making this change your also nerfing us… like wtf.


I don’t play the shaman class, but this is just sad…

If they’re still going ahead with this change despite all these negative responses, then this would further prove that blizz doesn’t care at all about feedback, especially those that don’t align with their own design.


Over 350 negative responses and you still go through with the changes. Way to listen to feedback.


really hurts that we didn’t even get a response after all the negative feedback that has been given.


Can you please elaborate further as to the reasoning behind the accessibility issue to help us understand why it pertains specifically to our class and spec?

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thank you blizz for the unnanounced 200k gold tax for being a shaman and switching to a reasonable spec 1 week into a patch


how i picture a typical shaman developer meeting:

Big Daddy Ion: Okay Timmy what do you have for shaman?

Little Timmy: Well we are gonna fix the broken teir set that we finally are getting around to.

BD Ion: Timmy, the ptr is almost over what do you mean fix it?

L TImmy: just that, it hasn’t worked for testing but these stupid testers are saying it could possible do this rediculous thing, but that will never happen. They should only be able to use this specific talent set that WE want them to play

A week goes by, community testers descover that you can have storm elemental up all the time, and keep the buff stacks.

Then next meeting comes.

Big Daddy Ion: Apparently we have a new build on shaman the community is all a buzz for.

Little Timmy: what do you mean, i stop reading the notes they leave after they came up with some rediculous ideas. (Little Timmy starting to pout)

Big Daddy Ion: yes, they are having fun, casting really quick lightning bolts, keeping the storm elemental up all the time. I mean, it is quite the rage with other class’s players talking about switching to shaman just for the fun of it.

Little Timmy: no, it can’t be. That’s not how i want them to play (Timmy getting more upset as Big Daddy talks)

Big Daddy Ion: It’s true look here at the guide they started publishing, they are even meme-ing that you might need a foot pedal

Little Timmy: NO no NO no NO (in full out tantrum mode) That’s not how i want them to play. NO no NO no NO

BD Ion: Calm down, dude, sounds like they are having fun

Little Timmy: NO no NO no NO (pounding his clammy with tears fists on to the meeting table) NO no NO no NO. I want them to play with the wed one

BG Ion: the wed one, wtf do you mean the red one, the fire elemental? Don’t you even know the names of the pets?

Little Timmy: Yeah wed one, the blue(ish) one looks too much like my blue one.

BD Ion: Blue one? You mean Frost Mage’s water elemental?

Little Timmy: yeah the blue one, I play mage

BD Ion: wth dude they dont even use the water elemental anymore

Little Timmy: yeah the blue one, i gave mages the blue one when i worked on mage, they can’t have it, you should take away their lust that i gave to mages too in cata (barely audible through the blubbering)

BD Ion: This is so close to mythic, and from what i understand, not even viable until the 4 piece teir and double lego.

Little Timmy(ramping up again) NO no NO no NO, they can’t have it.

BD Ion (thinking how the f do i get out of this meeting) calm down calm down, what do you want us to do

Little Timmy: kill it, Nuke it i don’t want them to have it.

BD Ion: but it’s a talent, that we are buffing with borrowed power to make this happen, we said we working away from borrowed power.

Little Timmy: NO no NO no NO, they cant have it

BD Ion: what if we make it so that they don’t want to play it, we just can’t remove a talent in the miiddle of an expansion, Is that okay Timmy?

Little Timmy: (sniffle Sniff) maybe, but they cant want to play it (ignoring the fact of the multiple needs for permenant storm elemental to be a thing)

BD Ion: we could have the stacks reset, would that be enough Timmy?

Little TImmy : I said KILL it.

BD Ion(god get me out of this meeting) Okay, okay, what if we cut the stacks in half, that way there is no way the can have enough procs to make it work.

Little Timmy: That’s better, but i want it gone

BD Ion: well lets start with that, if we crush they hopes of something fun now, they wont be looking to make such a build in the future, and it is really close to the full raids release so, that is the best we can do for now (god, let this be good enough so i can get out of here)

Little Timmy: Okay, but if they figure something out i want it gone.

BD Ion: (with Little Timmy placated)How the hell are we going to sell this to the shaman players?

Ed (who has been silently watching this all unfold) Well in we used,“bring the player not the class” before, but that doesn’t seem to fit.

BD Ion: Yeah, what else have we used? We have to come up with something new. I remember throwing around class fantasy and other jargon, but we really need something new.

Ed: wait a minute, I think they gave it to us in their own class guides with the memes.

BD Ion: my gosh you are right. We can say we don’t want them to hurt themselves. meh, doesn’t sound good (hard thinking goes on around the room)

Ed : What if…hmm…what if we call an accessability issue or something like that?

BD Ion: Hmm, yeah, YEAH i think that works, how can they argue with that considering the current climate.
(followed by giggling and hand shaking)
meeting adjourned