Elemental Rune Dungeons coming soon

If you add weapons to the vendor I will be happy.

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Why because you want to be catered to more?

If blizz removed H+ and the vendors more players would be happy.

Guess what not everyone is going to be happy!!! Get over it!!! Go do heroic content!!! If you want Heroic weapons.

what’s the point of these dungeons for someone with full 372/379 gear? at least put Crystallized Firestones on the vendor so geared people have a reason to run them

This is strictly to assist casual players in catching up and making it easier for them to complete the normal Firelands, as they will have access to heroic loot without having to clear the content.

Definitey need the heroic weapons on the vendor. Those and trinkets(which are on the vendor) are typically the largest upgrade by far for most people.


Because the ones that drop from Firelands trash are to hard to farm?

Even when you’re rewarded with loot that you shouldn’t receive to help you catch up in normal Firelands, complaints still arise. You don’t need HEROIC loot to complete normal Firelands; Blizzard shouldn’t have added this option to the game initially. However, since it was added, it should have been normal loot, not HEROIC.

Great glad you agree there’s no reason not to have a lower ilvl one on the vendor.

Lol go farm Firelands trash and get the weapons from there. bad enough your getting heroic loot without clearing the content.

I don’t really view normal mode raids as actual content that most players want to engage with, most people want to do heroics, especially people who are returning, progging heroics in 372 catch up gear is what i want them to do, i don’t want them to do 2 months of normal firelands so they can get out of their 359 gear and go try heroics


You still haven’t explained an actual problem with it.

Most people just want to do content, normal is more accessible and most people are generally fine doing it.

But on that note, most people also want to be doing current content, since that’s what most people are doing and it is therefore hence most available. And thus cvatch up gear.

This is going to age like sour Milk :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What does this have to do with

Nothing, because you didn’t read, AGAIN.

I have. 13/13h since end of July, like I said in comments ago, to you, but again, you didn’t read. It’s fine, but it seems “TLDR” is your motto at this point - or should I say “It’s words, didn’t read”

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The problem is the catering that should not be in the game in the first place.

Then, why should they receive heroic loot without engaging in the content?

Why should players receive heroic loot when normal loot should suffice if they are engaging in normal content? If the content is normal, why is there a need for heroic-level rewards?

You still haven’t answered why I should be upset if someone gets a worse item than what drops in normal mode of the current tier.

When in fact the opposite is more true, having people with easily available catch up gear helps me do current content.

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Well you can’t have it both ways. It’s either catering, or it’s catch up gear.
Are you saying that implementing catch-up gear is catering to people who have taken a break?
If that’s the case, you believe people that took a break in P1, that come back for DS, should then finish out their FL gear in order to be ready for DS.
Also, does this mean that the 5 mans that they put in the game for DS patch should also be gone? That gear is EVEN BETTER than the 372/379 P1 Heroic pieces ever will be.
Your thought processes are lacking logic my dude.

If the content + gear that goes with said content are obsolete, why do you care/why does it matter so much?

100% unless they can get carried threw why should they be rewarded for not playing?

The logic behind catering is precisely what has deteriorated the game. Catch-up mechanics have spoiled it, creating a system where players can afford to take breaks and return without concern, fostering laziness and incompetence, and ultimately pandering to below-average players.

These are synonymous.

^Answer that then. Stop dodging.

Running dungeons is playing.

This guy has mental problems.
He can’t articulate anything logically. He’s all feelings.
They literally put 5/10 mans in the game in TBC, Wrath AND cata originally for people to catch up, and this guy has a problem with catch-up mechanics, sounds to me like he has a problem with the blizzard of back then, and should kick rocks tbh.

Not to mention dodging the really good GOTCHA questions I pose. Pick and choose, quote only 1/2 of what I said with a 1/2 baked response that’s not even remotely on topic. Sad.

that is what he does best along with drinknblink they just wanna say what they think is right.

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