Elemental Lariat recipe drop rate

Right! It’s getting ridiculous. I’m spending gold like crazy for highest quality mats that I’m not spec into with my profession in order to re-craft my mace that I made to a higher quality. I’m rank 4 now, yeah – but at high cost.

This is a big factor for me too. I just do not find storms fun at all and if it were not for the recipe I would not want to do them as they have no real goal or engaging gameplay. I invested all my knowledge into JC necks, farm the rares on a daily basis over multiple characters and feel so relieved when they are not up cause it means I can go do something else.

Trying to obtain this recipe feels like a bad combination of Legion legendaries and SL legendaries, relying on a terribly low drop rate or buying it for an extreme price on the AH. This system should never have gone ahead; I was enjoying DF so much until now and it’s the first time in DF that I have really disliked playing.

The recipe should have been BoP, with an achievable drop rate; or purchasable on the Elemental Overflow/Storm Sigil vendor for currency.


I hope WoW devs address these kind of issues as it really leaves out a lot of players to fully enjoy DF professions.


Neck specced jewelcrafter. Unable to do the thing I specialized to do, to the point that guildies are having to outsource to get what they need despite being the primary jewelcrafter of my guild.

Having to sit and wait for rares (Who can only be looted once a day, so I have to keep a checklist of each one now) and unable to do the thing I wanted to do is honestly sucking the fun out of this so much I kind of just want to go back to Classic. And to simply switch professions puts one at such a disadvantage with how skill points are earned that it is prohibitive.


I think the recipe being tradable just makes it worse thanks to scalpers.

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I cannot stress enough how unfun the gameplay of “daily reset, time to shardhop to get as many elemental rares in” is.

Please, for the love of god, just put the pattern on the vendor for like 5000 resources or something so we can just target farm it.


This was a very very poor way of handling this design. Why a pattern that is so rare its listed for 5 million plus gold?

Is that really how we want to affect the economy?


Is there any other profession suffering from such a big ticket low drop chance recipe? If it’s only Jewelcrafting, the Lariat feels like an outlier and its availability should be brought back in line. The longer Blizzard lets this endure, the worse it is for people who spec’d into necks and are stuck grinding Storms. The least Blizzard could do is confirm whether or not the super rare nature of the recipe is intended, or an oversight. It’s entirely possible a comma was misplaced, and what was meant to be 1.0% ended up a 0.1%.

A fair way to account for people who by now spent days grinding Storms, could be to put the recipe on Mythressa, the Primal vendor, for a high price. Something like 5,000 Elemental Overflow.


They hotfixed it. Saying we realize the drop rate was low… They knew damn well it was wrong and let everyone suffer. lol

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Has anyone actually seen one after this “fix”?

This drop rate is encouraging the degenerate play they say they don’t want. They’ve addressed otehr areas they saw this type of behavior in (e.g. Recrafting for skill).

They said they fixed it and I see no evidence of that.


Journal entry number 846, still no recipe. Slaughtered nearly every rare again this day. It haunts me, it haunts me so journal. I must press forward though, hop to more shards for the rares. The hunt continues.

This and the aristans mettle exploit that allowed some people to get way ahead of everyone else really put a blow on professions. The top guild on my server knew about these eploits from the beta so of course they got the lariat day 1 with way more knowledge than everyone else and charged 90k to craft it. It’s so messed up, I feel like blizzard just forgot to plug a few holes and some people are taking advantage, it sucks to hear everyone out there trying to get these patterns everyday.

Well the notes said the chance is only the first rare a day

It’s the first kill of each rare per day. So at most you get 16 chances per day, 4 rares per storm type. Which is hard to kill all 16, since nothing is guaranteed due to the random storm type and which rares will spawn during it (same one can spawn twice in a row).

Extremely frustrating.

Drop rate is TOO LOW. Why is this level of farming an expectation in 2022? I thought we were past this for progression/power stuff? Nobody has this on my server yet and WO’s are piling up.

Buff the drop rate or make it purchasable on the vendor.

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The raid neck dropped the first night. Ive been trying to get this design since day 1. Absolutely ridiculous you dont have this on the vendor in Valdrakken.

I too am a JC and I farm primal storm rares daily with no sign of a drop of this recipe. But I have a different outlook on this.
For the longest time crafter’s have wanted professions that owuld be an end game experience. Not something like in previous expansions where I could spend 200k gold in mats and max it out and make any recipe in the game and then flood the market making the best crafts pretty cheap.

So blizzard did that. they made crafting part of the “Big 4”. The elemental lariat is seen as one of the best single pieces of armor in the game. And it’s made by crafters. Being someone who does mythic raiding and high keys I can tell you that people have ran raids and farmed dungeons for entire expansion packs farming one BIS piece of armor, or one dagger from a raid boss, or even a priest ring only to NEVER have seen it drop in 6 months of running that content.

So yes, Crafters, WELCOME to the big 4! You asked for it and you got it and now you don’t want it anymore.

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I disagree with the above. While it makes sense to have crafting part of the “Big 4” there was nothing anywhere that implied that this one recipe would be so difficult to get, for people who specialized in necklaces and jewelry for their Jewelcrafting. I don’t think that there is a similarly rare item tied to player power in other professions (is there?). It does make sense that you can only craft “good” high tier items with effort, but I think the ability to learn the recipe should still be much easier. That sort of thing does bring professions in line with other aspects of the game.

But, after a week and a half of looking for this, I’m admittedly frustrated. I don’t think anyone on my server can make it yet. But with the drop rate changed, I think this highlights the issue with smaller servers still not being merged together, or the AH not being merged between battlegroups or something. At this point, I would gladly pay up the average 3 million or whatever the recipe is going for now just to learn it, make items for my raid team, and fill crafting orders. I do not care about making any gold back. But it doesn’t exist on my AH. So without something like a recipe purchasable for 10k overflow, my entire server just doesn’t have access to this item.

I love the crafting system changes mostly, and the work order system, but this one item is definitely having a negative impact on my opinion of how professions were handled. I’d love to see this sort of rare drop as a pet or mount craft, not a player power item.