Elemental Lariat recipe drop rate

The drop rate on this recipe seems absurdly low, particularly given the incredibly time consuming method required to farm it. Right now this item is a lottery ticket that’s made the infinitely small number of people who managed to get it millions of gold, while also resulting in absurdly high commissions for the item itself as well as a massive increase in the price of rank 3 illimited diamonds (5k to 38k seemingly overnight). Not to mention the fact that some people are buying the recipe on the AH and flipping it for a massive profit, locking every other crafter out of the market.

A lot of people devoted all their knowledge points to being able to craft this specific item at a high level early on and now we’re kind of stuck not being able to craft anything else until we either get this recipe or wait weeks to accrue enough knowledge points to be able to put out alternative crafts at a quality that will actually sell for more than the mats to make it cost. Kinda makes JC feel like a complete waste of time when there are almost no other crafts being asked for on the order system atm.

Method of acquisition needs to be hotfixed in some way. Either massively increase the drop chance so we don’t feel like we’re wasting hours sitting AFK waiting for rares to spawn, or change the primal storms event to have a way to force rares to spawn (i.e. a fill the bar mechanic we had in the prepatch event.) personally i’d prefer the former option. I genuinely don’t want to take part in this content but i’m forced to ad nauseum because I need this recipe to make my profession worth anything.


I am in full agreement. It is absurd the amount of time needed to get this recipe to drop(which it has not yet). It takes so much time away from everything else as you just sit for more rares to spawn.


I’ve been spamming for days but can’t manage to buy one as there are no sellers. They really need to do something about its low drop rate.

I took up JC for this but by the time I get the recipe, few people will need it.


welcome to the new crafting system


the only seller on my realm has just been buying the recipes listed for more reasonable prices on the AH and then marking them up for like 10 mil. It’s kind of obnoxious that you can put in time and effort to be able to make this item at high quality but it gets gate-kept by random lottery winners and scalpers who were already sitting on a pile of gold


No one on my server has managed to get the recipe and the price of work orders slowly increases by the day. The average price from server reset to now has increased by 4000%. I thought the cooking recipes were going to be the worst drop to get this patch, but Lariat is proving to be far worse.


On my server the public commissions for the lariat dropped from 200k+ to 25k. and yet people are still buying the recipe for 6 mil thinking they’ll make it all back. maybe off of personal orders, but I’m not sure sure. I don’t even care about the gold, I just want to craft it for my raid team. That’s what makes it so frustrating.


Yeah on Stormrage it’s about the same price-wise.

Personal orders from someone with maxed-out talents for 5-star quality go for 50k but there are few people left willing to pay that. Even making back 2 mil could get hard at this point on my server as there are already plenty of people crafting them.


I think having to account for the fact that someone flipped the entire supply of rank 3 illimited diamonds and they now auction for 39k minimum is gonna affect the commission people are willing to pay. The artificial scarcity is indirectly affecting the cost of every other craft that uses diamonds, including main stat gems at this point


Well, from certain tooltips and context, these dimaonds were meant to be a valueable item, not under 100g like they were


last week when I bought one it was around 5k. seems like a reasonable price to me. 40k is absurd though


I’ve been on these since tuesday, solo and in raids, and I have not seen this drop at all for anyone. There is only one person on our server with the necklace recipe and still people spamming trade chat for the necklace. Blizz needs to increase the drop chance and fix elemental storms; like give it a counter or progression bar for us to figure out when rares are going to spawn - like the DF prepatch ele invasions.


Agree 100%. I’m coming up on 50 rare kills across 3 toons. If i had known the drop chance on this item was so low, I never would have specialized into making amulets. All the good will that Dragonflight had built up was washed away for me in these last 48 hours. I legit miss shadowlands now.


the more i mess with professions the less i wanna deal with it they making professions too rng and time gated it isn’t fun much anymore


Honestly the worst part for me is the fact that the same rare can spawn back to back, due to the daily lockout. Imagine waiting 30-45 mins only to be locked out of loot


I honestly feel the same, was having a great time till S1 started and this happened. I feel like I can’t do anything else or I risk missing out on the chance to pick up the recipe, I just forced myself to get some sleep and the other guy on my server looking for one managed to buy it. Glad it was him at least.


looks at weapon enchants

Feels bad to spend so much effort into crafting necks with JC, only for this to be the result. I’ve been loving Dragonflight, but this hopeless farm for this recipe has dampened my mood.

If it really is anyone, not just JC, can loot it then the drop rate has to be 1000th of 1% or something absurdly. A lot of people across the game are killing these rares. If it was anything higher, there’d be a lot more recipes.


yeah, and it does not help that rares can spawn in the last 2 mins of the invasion and phase out after it ends because they’re unkillable in that short timeframe, hunting these rares on all my alts all day is hurting me lol


This is exactly how I feel about them as well. I was really excited for the new professions and order crafting system, but after seeing it in action and realizing that order crafting is a complete dud, I couldn’t care less anymore. Such a bad system.