Ele Shaman T12 Set Bonuses are unreliable

As it stands now the set bonuses will literally do nothing.

Even if you run the Fire Ele glyph the 2pc is the nerfed version and you still wont get 2 uses out of the fire ele before the fights over, 100% wont do anything at all without the glyph but even with it it most likely still wont do anything.

The 4pc also does nothing as the GCD of Lava Burst doesnt make it a real bonus, if anything its a QOL that allows some of your Lava Bursts to be done while moving.

My ele currently has a 1.22 Second cast (2203 haste rating) on Lava Burst for example making it instant doesnt do much because i still have the gcd so it really isnt a net gain in overall casting output.


It’s almost as if one of the original devs played ELE in ICC and suffered heavily from WOW movement-related-mechanics PTSD (totally common thing—read a book).

“Our movement is the worst in the game!!!” “Firelands will be a terrible experience if we can’t cast our spells on the move!!!” he said while casting LB on the move.

Fire ELE reset doesn’t even make sense in this version of the game.

So let me get this straight your mad because your going to be rolling on off pieces which are less contested then tier?

What is the point of a TIER SET if the bonuses are absolute dogwater?

They better change it to what it was before sure when DS comes nerf it back to the current state. Or actually make a compromise in doing better in general when it comes to classes…

But considering the state of cata classic and how devs favourite SoD over anything else seems the call for changes of any sort in the expansion is already out of the question…

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The reason this 2 piece does absolutely nothing is that it was nerfed in the original dragonsoul to make sure we’d actually upgrade our tier because of how strong it was.

The original 2 piece set bonus allowed our abilities to just flat out reset the cooldown on fire ele. Not only did it give us 100 percent fire ele uptime, it allowed us the flexibility to redrop or ele if the ai was bugging and he was refusing to attack the target.

This version is absolutely awful and requires an otherwise dead glyph to be used to even make it do anything at all on a handful of fights.

It needs to be reverted to its original version because this version is literal trash.


so let me get this straight, you think we should be happy our tier set bonuses do nothing(when other peoples are very strong) because it means we don’t have to compete for tier tokens?


Tbh they need to buff feral Druids before they fix shamans

Class is 1000 times more complex and does less damage than most PvP specs in a PvE raid LOL

Stay on topic.

This isn’t about anything other than ele tier bonuses being useless.

Go start your own thread.

It’s not that, they are giving us the fully nerfed version of our 2pc which was only nerfed so we would wear t13.

We should be getting the pre nerfed version.


+1, let’s get this more attention.


In this changed version of the game with cooldowns resetting on wipes, the 2pc set bonus has no place.

Also, reverting to the original implementation would help alleviate fire elemental’s targeting issues, which are still a problem post-hotfix, thus killing two birds with one stone.

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The hotfix that didnt fix anything and still has not been fixed. Reverting the 2 pc is the quickest way to make this not an issue. I dont think there is any other class with both a worthless 31 point talent and a worthless 2 pc set.


Lol crying about the most braindead spec/class to play in cata!!!

Blizz needs to worry about fixing FERAL DPS over some worthless 2pc set bonus Ele shaman takes ZERO skill to play Run around and spam bolts super hard rotation!!!

100% Feral DPS is horrible and its been bad but blizz isnt doing anything about week 18 and the only 2 classes we are beating is Marks hunter and Frost Mage!!! While Both warrior DPS, 2/3 Hunter specs, both DK specs, ALL 3 Rogue and Warlock Specs are beating Feral WHY???

So start your own thread, why are you coming in here talking about rotations, thats not what this topic is even about.

If you want constructive feedback for whatever it is youre going on about then create a thread, you randomly coming into other threads and changing the topic aint it.

What does a rotation have to do with tier set bonuses?

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Multiple classes can get work simultaneously.

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Lol you guys thinking that blizz will do double work to add the OG T12 2pc then revert the change again in T13 in 2 months is stupid. Where FERAL druids are asking for a buff after 18 weeks of being F tier DPS. Lets be realistic here Feral buff is more pressing then a tier 2pc

Then you should make a thread about it and leave this 1.

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Yeah right double work when it was right there before… they just got the 4.3 onwards core and they can’t put “”“work”“” to make it work.

Don’t justify the insult that since wotlk the sod team is putting through the current main expansion classic players…

The fact that you’re mentioning feral as “important” makes anything else you say irrelevant to the conversation in TOPIC. Considering that everyone knows that most specs are in DIRE need of any sort of changes. Not the feral discord constantly going to the forums asking for buffs every single week almost…

100% a problem. it was pretty much overhauled because of the implementation of cooldown-reset after Raid encounters. now with the reset of fire ele totems, it makes this completely obsolete.

4pc becomes worthless because of gcd cap, and making LvB instant doesn’t matter since it falls on the gcd.

It made sense back then to nerf it like they did, but when they changed the interaction of cds resetting (in wrath classic) it directly messed up the 2pc.

Luckily ele will scale really well with raw stats, but this is still pain.

So let me get this straight.

2pc is trash

4pc is worthless

Shamans are the only class that uses Caster mail armor

Restro shamans use 4pc

So your complaining that your going to chase LESS CONTESTED GEAR???

No, we are complaining because we would like our tier bonuses to be useful.

You can leave this thread anytime now.

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