Ele Shaman T12 Set Bonuses are unreliable

Lol Feral dps 4 pc was trash in T11 and blizz did nothing to address that so what makes you think theyre gonna fix your tier set bonuses? for a class thats already doing fairly well and requires no brain power to play?

No i think ill stay

I dont think they will change anything, but this forum is for bringing stuff up for discussion.

No one cares about feral here, idk why you keep bringing them up.

Lol discussing something that blizz undoublty wont change because it doesnt need to be changed if blizz allows the fire ele totem to reset from a cast thats absurdly broken ele shaman already does alot of damage and this isnt needed the chance to reduce your fire ele totem is good enough.

You dont speak for Blizzard.

My dad’s > uncles friend’s > girlfriend’s > husband’s > brothers > sons > cousin’s > nephew works at blizz

my dude that’s literally what the set is SUPPOSED to do. it got nerfed in OG dragonsoul to get us to actually use the dragonsoul tier. If you think other classes need help, make another thread for it. Coming in here to complain about us wanting to have the 2 piece set we had in original cata instead of one that is almost useless is ridiculous.


Well, maybe the set bonus will allow for us to drop FET on the first trash pack after a boss and it will be back before the next boss! Wait, no, probably not; we’re likely to be using CL on trash mobs and that doesn’t help with the reset
 SHUCKS. Color me surprised!

Hadn’t thought about that crap 31-point talent in a while either
 I know ELE is in a good spot, but, damn
 there’s some jank.

no its not we are in the pre patch build so you get the pre patch

To prove how completely messed up this tier set is, just go look at sims.

T11 tier bis vs full heroic t12 tier is a dps loss.

So you go from 272 to 291 set pieces and get a dps LOSS. How does that make any sense? Devs said the reason they eliminated us using the old 2pc set bonus for flametongue was “we like the idea of people advancing their gear”.

BS. Do some class balances and get off SOD.