Ele Shaman needs help

Ele shaman has many issues, no unique buff, dmg profile is low, and overall you’re mostly taken for the resto OS which after most prog you won’t play much, but either way you get disappointed. the DMG compared to other “support specs” is lower, while offering nothing unique, it’s honestly funny, ele loses to blood DK DPS and ALMOST do BM hunter in overall DPS ranking 99%. I’m not gonna go into super high detail because another Shaman made a detailed post about “How to fix it” , those fixes are really good, also coming into cata the fixes are still valuable . make sure to read Make Glyph of Elemental Mastery lower the GCD cap while the buff is active :slight_smile:


Thanks for the laughs… 10/10 would read again :rofl::rofl::rofl:


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Ele Shaman’s are doing just fine.
Nice :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: post though.
Why are you spamming the forums for the same post and then linking it in said post?

Both :thread: :mute: :no_bell:

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If you do not like the current state of Elem, just wait until Cataclysm and you’ll be fine, same for enhancement, as far as I know Elem and enhancement shaman are pretty good in Cataclysm. (At least fun to play)

Its kind of useless for the dev to spend time and work to change a class when the expansion is literally over already.

I know the Ele bros fell off hard and that sucks, but this was kind of foretold. It happened in TBC, and its happening again now. Everyone who knew anything about endgame Wrath said this was the case.

Maybe it’s not comforting to hear but you may have to take it on the chin this phase, but on the bright side, Ele is seriously godlike in Cata. Like the whole damn time. Absolutely S tier.

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Everything I been reading places both enhance and ele at B tier on old websites from the cata days.

To get any kind of attention.

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Hunters, ret, and feral all received QOL adjustments that massively improved their performances. They could simply improve QOL by changing some dumb stuff

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