Ele Shaman is really bad because of poor tuning

is ele going to be good in pve tho? i heard from some people that yes, others no. no idea where it actually lands

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don’t even bother picking up a shaman they have been trash canning them since 04. can’t survive a hit from any pvp encounter or pve encounter for you to worry about if its viable or not. HAH

LOL the expansion just started and most nerfs are PVP related and here come the fangirl/fanbois running to the forums crying

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how are they in pve? i heard they are good

I’ve been doing 0s with my ele and I actually slap pretty hard. The only ones that always beat me are demo locks and WW monks. Maybe I’ve been grouping with new players but I dont feel super weak myself. Not gunna pass up a buff of course haha

WW monks end up ahead because Touch of Death is ridic. 4 ToDs that they can use twice every pull :stuck_out_tongue:

We lost our 2nd wall with primal earth ele also im pretty sure… i havent seen in. Makes me sad, because now i flop way easier after AS is over.

also demo and its 2 button burst, felstorm and dogs and they sky rocket up the dps meter

bro we flop with AS on! ridiculous!

I dont wanna be too dramatic… but yeah, even with AS up, I still flop through some burst without heals.

I’m running ancestral guidance just to have an additional mediocre defense and I’m still dying thru astral shift guidance. I still am liking shaman but it’s far from perfect.

It’d be interesting to see the Planes Traveler and Astral Bulwark talents changed around.
I’d propose changing Planes Traveler to Spirit Walker, providing short duration a short duration physical immunity and changing Astral Bulwark to what you suggested.

I think there’s some trepidation to return to the old WotLK situation where Astral Shift could be used while stunned or silenced, but given the current environment, I’d say it’s plenty warranted to try.

Ele is shaping up to be very versatile and decent in pve. Not saying we will be FotM, (that is reserved for the end of Xpacs) but we will be desirable in PVE.

Especially the Plethora of buffs to Lightning through spell/talent interaction is going to scale very nicely for ele. We may get nerfed after first tier set.

What do we bring to parties/raids that other classes don’t?

I’m having a blast with Ele Shaman. This is of course after quitting ret paladin for not liking it’s gameplay any longer. Maybe you are just experiencing the same thing and it’s time to try something new?

What does any class/spec bring that some other class/spec doesn’t bring or can’t be brought through a different means?

This whole idea that each class/spec has to bring something special and unique is just mind boggling.

You need tanks, heals, dps and know the scripted mechanics that addons tell you when they happen and what to do.

Every now and then you need someone with a special skill: root/stun/cc/dispel/off tank/immunity (dmg soak)

Not everyone needs to be special, regardless of what your mums n pops n granny been telling you.

Did you sign up as dps? Do you know the mechanics? Did you pull your weight? Did we get loot? Good night.

The point is not if we can peform or not, is making our class being picked more attractive, people love to min-max, if we are just middle of road on both dmg and utility…we just won’t seem that attractive in a pool with other classes that either bring more dmg or more utility than we do.

shaman has access to:
Stun (aoe and ST)
Curse dispel
Cast while moving
Ranged kick
Amazing off heals through AS
Earth Ele
2 mitigation totems
1 movement enhacement totem
Hero/blood lust
Thunderstorm (knock/push)

That’s a crap ton of utility
But I’m guessing the real issue is will we be facerolling dmg?

is it tho? in a vacuum, that list looks amazing, but not when you compare it to the rest of the competition.

Shaman just needs a defensive and earth shield to not be purgeable. That alone will help in PvP and pve massively to avoid big bursts.