Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

I haven’t seen a single guy playing Windspeaker’s since Lavaburst nerf in 9.1. Keep in mind that Control of Lava also works well with Skybreaker’s.

You didn’t see DHs really either few weeks ago. Not many ppl explore and ele in general isn’t played much

Like I’m well aware control of lava works well with skybreaker s, you have all these things going to amp flame shock and it still does less dam over time than other standard dots.

It’s the suite of lower fire ele, flame shock moderate dam and more passive lava surges cus of fire ele uptime.

Something like windspeakers gives you bigger lava bursts, more earth shocks, and more on demand lava surges.

The trades offs are just how the damage is delivered and they’re pretty close. Skybreaker is just less demanding on the shaman player since the bulk of it’s benefits are passive

I was skybreakers hard stuck at 2.5 doing thunder and decided I had enough. I’m still around the same rating but with equil at least I’m the one actually randomly one shotting now that I’m rocking 10 percent haste and 21 crit.

Elemental needs kill pressure rot isn’t going to do enough if games only last three min on average. The echo earth shocks pierce versatility bonuses and if they crit it’s lights out or sk goes.

Also the dispel protection while nice is not really important as many people don’t care about the negligible flameshock pad dmg

Feels great giving ret/war Wings procs all game with skybreakers

Havoc players also supercharging the ret each eye beam

Necro still good in your opinion? I am hoping to stay Necro/Skybreakers.

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Sky breaker only good if you’re good enough to consistently take games to damp in this meta

With the coming cross-faction gameplay…Dark Iron vs Orc racial - who wins??

It’s not even close, orc by ten miles. Dwarf was fun when shackle was meta but orc is infinitely better on all types of bs stun passives in the game and the giga broke ones like kidney shot and hoj

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definitely looking forward to the earth ele leggo + vesp lego.

Dark iron helps w/ vesper builds.

Thunder isn’t good in this meta. Try Ele/Boomy/X if you know any Boomy. With Kyrian link you can play Skybreaker while having even harder goes on Kyrian link than with Equilibrium.

This literally doesnt make sense

How it doesn’t make sense if you get 16% extra Versatility and with 40% versatility bonus from trinkets it is about 22% more damage when Equilibrium is 15%. You basically play Skybreaker’s and deal around 4 k passive dps then you cast Stormkeeper and Boomy gives you link. So you burst together every minute.

You get 8% passive Versatility as well in a meanwhile. And Versatility is the best stat to increase Lavaburst damage, right?

You suddenly can’t play equilibrium and get kyrian empowered?

But what is the point then? Ele/Boomy is extremely dampen comp in it’s nature. You have literally 2 win conditions. Damp and Kyrian link goes. Going Equilibrium is an overkill.

You have 46% Versatility on both Ele and Boomy. You just need proper CD rotation and you will survive most comps. The only real problem is RMP and good Havoc/Boomy/R Shaman.

With Kyrian link both Ele and Boomy have enough damage to kill someone 100-0. So taking Equilibrium and Skyfury on top is an overkill.

https://www.twitch.tv/panzerhenk - you can literally watch highest team playing this comp atm with Skybreaker’s

That’s besides the point I get that you like skybreakers that’s fine but saying you have harder goes while doing 15% less damage doesnt make sense.

Everyone is overkilling

If you wanna sell deep dampening as your lref play style that’s one thing

It’s bigger go than if you play Equilibrium with any other partner - that was the point. I hoped you undertood it.

why would a boomkin play ele/boomy when they can play with literally any other necrolord dps and be more successful?