Elden Ring Has Already Lost Half Concurrent Players

So much for people on here saying that Elden Ring was created by God and WoW couldn’t hope to be half the game Elden Ring will be.

Glad I didn’t fall for the trap and buy it.

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Elden Ring isn’t an MMORPG, not sure how it and WoW connect here.


Nevertheless people were saying that 9.2 would be a dead patch because of Elden Ring, turns out that wasn’t true at all.

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It’s mostly a single player game, it has an ending lol


There were many threads stating that this game would hurt WoW.

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Only wow killer out there is wow it self, and they are doing a great job at it.


Didn’t the multiplier aspect of the souls genre perish during Bloodborne? :bug:

According to half of GD, there’s more people playing Solo in WoW than anything else anyway.


It’s very much alive.

Bleed builds or “Arcane” builds melt gank squads as an invader. It’ll be fun to see when they ruin arcane builds as a whole just like luck in DS3

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lol at least they guarantee loot after killing a boss.


Two people invaded my game and I killed them both :rofl:.

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OP your missing out on a good game BTW. I recommend you buy it, it’s way better than most Triple A titles as of recent. Good investment, you can spend tons of hours just running around trying new weapons and builds while exploring dungeons.


It’s so good even some Western devs have slammed it.


I did an extreme eyeroll when I saw someone from Ubisoft was trying to attack it lol. Also, apparently the guy that worked on Battlefield 2042’s UI. Like, your UI was one of the most hated things about that game, hello!? Rofl.


And now we’re comparing a souls-like game with co-op play to an MMORPG. This is the equivalent of comparing apples to shiny rocks.

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Taunters tongue is great

That’s how you know a game is good, especially loved the part where the UI got slammed when the simple UI is one of the best parts. I don’t need my screen flashing red lights screaming at me to go the other way. Quest design is also a breath of fresh air. Exploration is rewarded by NPC interaction. If you seek them out you get questline items and the like.

I hate handholding games so ER is great.

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I’ve had no problems with it myself.

Perhaps more explanation about how certain crafting bits work but I’ve been more focused on trying to get to A to B when I play than mastering crafting.

It’s as if you plucked a few RPG developers out of 1994, gave them all the modern tools with no context, and asked them to make a game. There are pros and cons, but more than that, there’s a certain charm to the design philosophy that has me forgiving a lot of the oddities because they’re so integral to the overall vision.


I think this will be the fate of any game people try to compare to Wow. People can hate it all they want but Blizz’s timegating crap does keep players around even if the way they do it is trash :man_shrugging:

Probably a streamer and her army of followers decided to move on to another game

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